Thursday, November 9, 2017

Fire Resistant Fluid (FRF)-Properties

Fire Resistant Fluid (FRF)
  • FRF is a fluid based on triarylphosphate ester
General Requirements:
  • FRF shall not cause corrosion to Steel,Copper and its alloys, Zinc, Tin or Aluminum.
  • FRF must provide sufficient corrosion protection to the materials used in the FRF system.
  • FRF shall be continuously regenerated with Fuller’s earth or an equivalent regeneration agent.
  • FRF must not cause any erosion or corrosion on the edges of the control elements.
  • FRF must be shear-stable. It should not contain any viscosity index improver.
  • FRF leaking from the system, if any, must not ignite or burn in contact with hot surfaces (up to 550 ºC).
  • FRF must be capable of withstanding continuous operating temperatures of 75 °C without physical or chemical degradation.
  • FRF must be miscible with traces (max. 3 % by vol.) of TXP of another brand. There should be no deterioration of the FRF in presence of such trace quantities.
  • The air release of the FRF should not deteriorate in presence of fluoroelastomer seals and packing used in the FRF system.
  • The FRF must be free of ortho-cresol compounds.
  • The FRF must not pose a safety or health hazard to the persons working with it.
Limit values

The following limit values are not to be exceeded during the life time :
  • Kinematic viscosity - maximum variation ± 5% with reference to delivery condition.
  • Neutralization number - maximum increase 0.20 mg KOH/g with reference to delivery condition.
  • Air release -maximum 12 minutes.
  • Foaming at 25 °C -Tendency maximum 200 ml, Stability maximum 450 sec.
Recommended Properties of FRF:
  • Kinematic Viscosity at 40 °C(ISO VG 46)        : 41.4 - 50.6 mm 2 /s 
  • Air release at 50 °C                                             : ≤ 3 minutes 
  • Neutralization number                                       : ≤ 0.1 mg KOH/g 
  • Water content                                                      : ≤ 1000 mg/kg 
  • Foaming at 25 °C 
  1. Tendency                                                              : ≤ 100 ml 
  2. Stability                                                                : ≤ 450 sec
  • Water separability                                               : ≤ 300 sec 
  • Demulsification                                                    : ≤ 20 minutes 
  • Density at 15 °C                                                   : ≤ 1250 kg/m 3 
  • Flash point (Cleveland open cup)                      : > 235 °C 
  • Ignition temperature                                           : > 550 °C 
  • Wick flame persistance time                              : ≤ 5 sec 
  • Pour point                                                            : ≤ −18 °C 
  • Particle distribution *                                         : ≤ 15/12 Code
  • Chlorine content                                                  : ≤ 50 mg/kg 
  • Oxidation stability                                               : ≤ 2.0 mg KOH/g 
  • Hydrolytic stability Change of Neut. number   : ≤  2.0 mg KOH/g 
  • Electrical resistivity                                             :   > 50 MΩm 

Following fire Resistant Fluids are approved:

        Brand                                                  Supplier

1.   Reolube Turbofluid 46XC             M/s. Chemtura, UK
2.   Fyrquel EHC-N                              M/s. Supresta, USA

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