Wednesday, November 8, 2017


Air Circuit :

During load 
  •  Air is sucked-in through air inlet silencer  and suction air filter 
  •  Air enters in to Throttle valve and in to the LP element 
  •  At the end of compression in the low pressure element , the compressed air enters the Inter cooler 
  •  After the cooling in the Inter cooler ,moisture is removed in moisture seperator, the compressed air enter the HP element 
  •  At the end of compression in the HP element, compressed air enter the After cooler 
  •  After the cooling in the After cooler, the moisture is removed in the moisture separator and through the check valve the compressed air leaves out of compressor package.
  •  Safety relief valves at LP element outlet and at pack outlet are provided

During Un-load 

  •  The throttle valve closes . The construction of the Throttle valve assembly is such that certain minimum quantity of air can pass through the same even in closed condition , to avoid deep vacuum inside the compressor elements ,and this minimum quantity of air after the compression process is blown-off to the atmosphere through the blow-off silencer  with out admitting any air into the air net .

Oil Circuit

  •  The lubricating oil from the oil tank/sump [ part of the gear case ] is sucked by the lub oil pump  during the compressor running.
  •  Then the pressurised oil enter the oil cooler  and gets cooled.
  •  Then , gets filtered in the oil filter and enter LP and HP elements for the lubrication of bearings and gears .
  •  After the lubrication , the hot oil flow back in to the oil tank/sump .
  •  The by-pass valve allows flow back of excess oil so that the desired oil pressure is maintained in the compressor oil circuit.
  •  The oil fumes formed in the gear case is removed with the help of oil fume ejector and filtered . The residual oil droplets flow back to the oil tank/sump and oil free fumes are let out to atmosphere.

Cooling Water Circuit

  •  The cooling water for the individual pack compressors , is fed from the common Inlet cooling water header.
  •  The inlet branch of the cooling water piping of the individual compressor , are provided with the pressure gauges, before the compressor pack.
  •   Inside the compressor pack, the cooling water bifurcates in to two different circuits.
  •   In one circuit , the water enter the after cooler and intercooler to remove the heat from the compressed air.
  •   In the second circuit , the water enter the oil cooler first to remove the heat from the hot oil , then HP and LP element cooling water jackets to equalise the temperature of the element stages.
  •   At the end of each cooling water branch ,the flow restrictors are provided to allow the optimum quantity of cooling water being circulated in these circuits.
  •  Then again after the restrictors , the outgoing water form a single circuit before leaving the compressor package.
  •  In the return water line of the individual pack compressor, are provided with manually operated water shut off valve 
  •  For draining the moisture seperated in the water seperators and the auto drain traps are provided and respectively.

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