Wednesday, November 1, 2017

How to take Mill

Starting a Mill:
  • Check if there is any Permissive red in colour, take action accordingly
  • Give ON command to Mill
  • Open the CAG
  • Open the Feeder Outlet gate
  • Open the HAG
  • Now maintain air flow of 75 ton with temperature mill outlet around 70-80 deg by regulating HAD and CAD
  • Give ON command to Feeder
  • Now put CAD with temperature set point in Auto
  • Put HAD in Auto and after maintain feed rate around 35-40 toh put Feeder in Auto too
  • Before taking mill ensure opening of reject of mill at start
  • Send operator to ensure their is no abnormal sound, Lube oil leakage or any PF leakage
  • Observe Vibration and Mill bearing metal temperature if their is any abnormality , take immediate steps.

Stopping Mill:
  • Take Feed rate in Manual mode
  • Reduce feeding rate to 20 TPH and maintain outlet temperature by changing CAD set point
  • If you want to empty Feeder, send Operator to close Feeder inlet chain gate and let Feeder and Mill running till the left over coal is milled and feed to furnace
  • Then trip the Feeder, Let mill run till it is empty by ensuring mill motor current is equal to No load current
  • After mill is empty, air to be cut by closing CAD and CAG
  • Stop Mill
  • Maintain the mill inlet temperature within 100 deg, by allowing cold air to flow in it

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