Main turbine Vacuum Killing
Main turbine Vacuum Killing Ensure Boiler Stop Valves (MS01 & MS02 ) and its IBV ( MS03 , MS04 , MS05 & MS06 ) are in closed condition. Ensure all drains to UFT are opened & all drains to SDFT are closed Ensure complete de-pressurization of Main Steam line Ensure TDBFP common aux steam supply MOV or manual valve (At Aux PRDS Floor ) is in closed condition). Ensure MAW15AA001 (Seal steam supply bypass MOV) is in closed condition Close MAW10AA011 (Seal steam header Drain going to HPFT) & open its atmospheric drain Stop both vacuum pump & its recirculation pump. Open Vacuum Breaker. At Vacuum –0.2 ksc , isolate seal steam to turbine by closing the Supply header Control valve & its isolation MOV ( MAW10AA010 ) . Stop GSC fan .Open the chimney valve if required. Close seal steam manual isolation valve (at 8.5 m).Close also main turbine seal steam motorized valve at TG 17m After Vacuum killing , Main turbine speed is to be monitored . It shou...