Monday, October 15, 2018

Guidelines for UCE

Guidelines for UCE:

UCE has to check the following at the beginning of the shift:

  • Status of Mills, ID fan, FD Fan and PA fans.
  • Status of all the unit Protections.
  • Ensure availability of emergency equipments (only in morning shift) & for any defects concerned maintenance & DGM(O) is to be informed.
  • Follow changeover schedule & for any defects concerned maintenance & DGM (O) is to be informed.
  • Coal Bunker levels.
  • ESP fields in service
  • Auto loops in service.
  • Boiler metal temperatures.
  • Grid Frequency.
  • Unit Generation.
  • Boiler water chemistry parameters.
  • Availability of operators at different location.
  • Communication system.
  • Equipments under PTW.
Normal Operation
  • During the shift UCE has to monitor parameters deviations as indicated by the Annunciation window and if required instruct the Desk Engineers to take Corrective actions as per the –
  1. Boiler operation  manuals    
  2. Turbine operation manuals  
  3. Generator operation manual 
  • He registers Defects, as reported by desk Engineers or local Operators, to concerned Maintenance Department through SAP notification.
  • He ensures availability of the equipments after Return / cancellation of PTWs.
  • He has to instruct Desk engineer to modulate the Unit Load as per schedule in co-ordination with the Shift Charge Engineer.
  • UCE takes a round to different locations of the Unit to check any abnormality in the Unit i.e. Steam leakage, Coal leakages, safety arrangements etc.
  • In case of total Station out he has to act as per the instruction available in the unit “Station Power Failure Operation.”
  • In case of Fire, as indicated by the Fire alarm, he communicates immediately to Fire Station (Located inside the Plant) and also SCE.
  • In case  of Hydrogen Gas Leakage as indicated  by the H2 Pr. drop rate  UCE has to check the followings---
  • H2 – Seal oil Diff Pr.
    1. Seal Oil filter Diff. Pr.
    2. Possibility of H2 Leakage.
    3. Check the leakage using Hydrogen Leak Detector.
    4. Concentration of H2 leakage should not be allowed to go beyond the fire hazard limit (84 %, though explosive mixture is between 4 - 75 %).
    5. In case of sharp drop in Gen H2 Pressure UCE has to trip the Turbine manually and instruct local operator to start CO2 purging.UCE has to instruct the Desk Engineers and local operators to perform daily routine activity

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