
Showing posts from January, 2018

Boiler Start-up Procedure (Cold)

Boiler Start-up Procedure (Cold) Open -Drain Bef MSV, RH & SH Vents, RH & SH Drains, Drum Vents  |  Close - MSV  Time :  00 '  | Charge AB HFO (all 4 burners) (Oil Pr~8-10 ksc) | Drum Mtm <2 Deg/Min  Time :  30 '  | Charge CD HFO (keep in Min 2 Deg/Min Mtm) | Atom. Steam Pr~ 6 ksc Charge & Operate APH Soot Blowing (Pr~10-12 ksc) | Keep Open Eco R/c Till 30 % BLI Open HPBP Warm-up valves Time: 60 '  | Drum Pr~2 ksc | Close SH, RH Vents | Open MSV Bypass Valves |MS. CRH. HRH will get warmed up Time: 100 ' |  Drum Pr~5 ksc | Open MSVs | Open HPBP Valves 8-10% | Close SH, RH  drain at Drum Pr ~ 14 ksc | Close HPBP warm up valves MS Pr~50 ksc MS Temp ~350 Deg | HRH Pr~12 ksc | HRH Temp~350 Deg | Soaking of  Turbine @ 360 rpm Raise to 3000 rpm |Maintain MS, HRH Pr and Temp by controlling firing | Turbine @ 3000 rpm |Electrical Testing | Oil  Injection Test Switch ON Field Breaker |AVR on au...

Profit Optimizer

Profit Optimizer Salient features of this correction are: 1. The new correction works independently of RGMO. RGMO correction is implemented as per grid code and no changes are done to this. It will be visible more during FAST frequency changes. It is possible that frequency very slowly drifts away from 50.00 Hz but RGMO correction is not at all giving significant correction. During such times profit optimisation correction will help in earning UI. 2. Profit correction overall limits are settable between 10 to 25 MW. Correction droop is settable between 4 to 10% (default 4%). Breakeven frequency is settable (presently 50.00 Hz). Correction will be be subject to all directional blocks/limits as applicable normally in CMC. 3. Profit correction is based on selected frequency, which may be instanteneous, block average or weighted average - selection will be decided dynamically based on breakeven and asking frequencies, as well as block elapsed time. Note: asking frequency is the calcul...


MS TEMPERATURE RISING FAST Likely causes ·           Inadequate spray due to malfunctioning of spray control valves. ·           Excess airflow. ·           Burner tilt stuck in up position ·           Leakage in the spray line. ·           Low feed water temperature. ·           Boiler firing raised in top elevation ·           Heavy furnace slagging ·           Spray isolation valve in close condition Plant response ·           MS temperature high alarm will appear. ·           Spray control valves will go for furthe...


AIR-PREHEATER MOTOR TRIPS/ AIR MOTOR DOES NOT START: LIKELY CAUSES ·           Motor may trip on overload. ·           Power supply to the motor failed. ·           Air motor failure or solenoid failure ·           No compressed air available. ·           Lube oil system fail. ·           Some foreign material fallen on the APH & got stuck. ·           Seal of the APH has got disturbed. PLANT RESPONSE ·           Rapid fall of hot air temperature on one side. ·           Rapid rise of gas temperature of stopped APH. ·           Possibili...

220V DC system

220V DC system: The  220V DC system  supplies direct current as source of operating power for  control ,  signaling ,  relays ,  tripping and closing of  switchgears,    emergency motors  of most important auxiliary systems Under normal conditions of station generation, the storage  battery units  are kept floating in DC bus bars by means of the chargers (also known as float chargers) The charger of each Battery unit,which is a rectifier with AC input, is normally made to take all DC requirements of the Power station without allowing the battery to discharge. This is achieved by maintaining the DC output voltage of battery charger a few volts higher than the voltage of battery. With this, the charger besides meeting all the DC requirements of the power station, supplies a few hundred milliamps of direct current to the battery to compensate the loss in the capacity of the battery due to action between the plates of the c...