Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Work Instructions

Start-Up After 8 Hours of Shutdown ( Hot start-UP)
Unit condition
At least 2 BCW pump in Serrvice

Both SAPH and PAPH Running

Turbine : On Barring (AOP,JOP,SOP, HPCF in service)

Generator: PW system, Seal Oil system, Gas system

Condenser Pass : Both Charged

PAC & IAC : 1 PAC & 2 IAC in Service

CEP & Make-up : 1 CEP with H/W Make-up on auto

PRDS : 13.5 ksc , Temp>260 Deg

Line-up from other units
ESP : Ready (Fields, Rapcon, Heaters etc)

EAST Panel : Ready

LP & HP dosing system : Ready

Bottom & Seal Trough : Lined -Up

Evacuation system : Lined -Up / charged (Pulled)

GRP Panel & Excitation: Ready

Boiler Drum Pr=75 ksc, Ms Temp=415-430 eg

BSVs Closed
LDO & Atomizing system : Ready

LDO=16 ksc, Atomizing Steam=6 ksc
Drum Pr=75 ksc
Take 4 guns in AB elevation

Start APH soot Blowing prior to firing

MST: 415-430
Open Drain Before BSVs

Open BSV IBvs

MS strainer drain to SDFT, UFT, CRH drain pot, Open

Open BSvs

Open Warm-up Of HPBP and then HPBP and LPBP

HRH Pr=2 ksc, Close CRH Drain pot

Start PA fan & seal air fans

Ensure FG & air Damper of PAPH Open Prior PA Fans

Line-Up Milling system

Open CAG/CAD of at least 3 mills before PA Fan start
MS= 85/485
Take 1st Mill

Make Ready SH/RH spray

Charge ESP fields

Ensure Ash Handling System Ready

Cut in 2nd Mill

Peg Deaerator with CRH (Pr=2 ksc)

Reset turbine

Bring Starting Device to 0, Put TG LO TCV on auto-45 Deg
Open Turbine SGC seq/Switch ON/Select Start-up

105-Starting Device (42 %) 109- Tracking Device ON

Raise Starting Device to 100% once ESVs Opened

110-Speeder Gear goes 100 %(If LT100%)

Bypass flow BLI = 360 TPH
Hold for 5 minutes at 360 rpm

112- Turbine Speed 360 rpm command

Raise Turbine speed to 3000 rpm

116-Turbine speed 3000 rpm command

(Rate of Acceleration b/w 600-850 rpm2)

(OFF : Turning gear=240 rpm, JOP=540 rpm )

Switch Off ATRS Program (After 116)

Monitor-Bearing Temp/Pedestal-shaft Vibration ,TSI

Put AVR on auto

Ensure AOP: Off

Close Field Breaker

Check starting GT cooling Fans

Select GCB from ECP, put sync-ON

Select Auto-synchronizer made ON

Load Ref=50 MW . Pr Max=75 MW

Synchronize Generator with Grid

Speed set point raised by 8rpm and 20 MW load will come

Raise speed SP by small pulse

Put HPBP in Auto with increased SP

Load=60 MW
Cut in LPH-2,3

Change-Over of ST to UT

MS=85 /500
Cutout Heating system from PRDS to Deaerator

Raise D/A Pr from 2 ksc to 4ksc

Cut in all Controllers

Load=150 MW
Charge PRDS from CRH

Cut in HP Heaters

Start 2nd CEP, 1st TDBFP at Load=170 MW

BLI= 600 TPH
Control MS/HRH Temp by spray (If Required)

Trim Dev : Off
Change D/A Pegging from CRH to Extraction

Cut in 3rd Mill

Load=230 MW
Cut in 4th Mill

Cut off Oil Support

Ensure Healthiness of Scanners

Cut in 5th Mill

Start 2nd TDBFP and Switch off MDBFP

Cut in 6th Mill

Load=500 MW
Ensure all controllers in auto



BLI=1620 TPH

Load=500 MW
MS=170/535, HRH=45/535

Emergency Instructions:
220 V DC Failure
Unit condition
  • DCDB section-1 & 2 under voltage alarm in LVS-5
  • All HT/LT Breakers Indication Becomes Bad
  • Boiler will Trip on MFT ( after 2 Sec)
  • Turbine will Trip on MFT
  • Generator will not Trip as GCB Protection will not act
  • Generator will run as Synchronous Motor
  • HP/IP/LP Casing Exhaust Temperature will start increasing
  • 400 KV Breakers can be Operable
  • Feeders of Mill will Trip on MFT
  • Fans(ID, FD, PA), Mills, BCW Pumps etc will continue to run
  • DC Drives can not come in service
  • Sequence to Trip Drives:
  • PA fan
  • Mills
  • One set ID/FD
  • Another set of ID/FD
  • BCW Pumps
  • MDFP
  • CEP
  • SG ECW
  • TG ECW
  • Air compressors
  • CW Pumps
  • Start DG set
  • Start AOP-1, SOP-1, AOP-1 of TDBFPs, PW-1
  • Trip Normal Incomer breaker from unit service Board to Emergency board from Switchgear
  • Close DG set incomer breaker to emergency Board from Switchgear
  • Start AOP-2, SOP-2, AOP-2 of TDBFPs, PW-2
  • Trip 400 KV Main/Tie GCB from CCR/Switchyard
  • Trip Station Transformer after shifting critical equipments
  • This will result in Total Power Failure with Emergency Board in charged condition

Furnace Air Tightness Test
  • Scope- Boiler Furnace, Air and FG Duct upto ID Fan Inlet
  • Why- To test Tightness of Furnace wrt Environment not for Strength
  • Ensure- All PTWs of BMD( PP, Rotary, Mills, Ash handling) cancelled and Clearance Available

Status Req
Actual Status
Bottom Ash Hopper / CG Manholes

Seal Trough

APH & Eco hopper Flushing Apparatus

ESP / ESP Duct Manholes

Mill/Scrapper Manhole

Boiler Manholes/ Peep Holes


Feeders Doors ( front, Rear)

SA/ PA duct Manholes/Drains

  • Start SAPH-A/B &PAPH-A/B Main Motors
  • Start one Set of ID/FD fans. Slowly raise Airflow and Furnace Pressure . Start AC Scanner
  • Start another Set of ID/FD fans increase Pressure further
  • Start Both PA fans, Slowly raise PA Header Pr to 800 mmWC. Start Seal air fan also
  • Keep Furnace Pressure to +120 mmWC
  • For Identification of any leakage, Local round to be taken with Maintenance Person. Following area to be visted :-
  • Boiler 1st Pass, 2nd Pass, APH Flue Gas duct, ESP i/l and o/l ducts, ESP Passes, Secondary Air duct, Hot & Cold Primary duct, Mill HAG/HAD/CAG/CAD
  • APH guide and support Bearing area
  • Dead Zone chamber in s-Panel & Reheater Goose Neck Area
  • Boiler Pent House
  • Slowly reduce Furnace Pressure to Normal and Stop PA/FD/ID Fans
  • FATT Completed.

DG Load Trial and Regular checks
Inform & Ensure availability of TMD/EMD/C&I

SG/TG/BOP source-2 AC Power Supply Interruption. Inform C&I for Standby chargers

Ensure DG Set Tank Oil Level Adequate

Evacuate and Isolate Boiler Passenger, Service Building Lift and Isolate. Inform EMD(temporary supply )

Arrange 3 Walky Talky : 1-CR 2-DG board 3-DG Set room

Note Down Initial Parameters of DG Set

Status of Unit:
TG on Barring

Generator Depressurized(H2/CO2 Purged out)

Seal Oil system in Service

All Drives in DG Bus in available condition( Plan within 1-2 days of Unit shut down)

DG Board charged from Normal Incomer Breaker from Unit Service Board

  • Start all drives on DG Bus from other standby source(other board)
Ex- SOP-2 to Sop-1, FD/ID/PA Lop-2 to LOP-1
  • Start Main DG set & Note Down: Volatge, RPM, Tank Level, LO Pr/Temp, Battery Voltage
  • Trip Normal Incomer from USS and Close DG set Incoming breaker to charge DG Bus
  • Start Loading Drives by starting them which are on DG Bus
  • Continue Test run fro ½ -1 Hour.
  • Start all drives on DG Bus from other standby source(other board)
  • Trip DG Set Incoming Breaker and Close Normal Incomer From USS
  • Switch Off DG Set
Regular checks:
  • DG Set Fuel Tank Level Normal
  • DG Set engine Oil Level Normal
  • Battery charger OK
  • Engine Coolant level is OK
  • DG Set Incomers to DG Bus Healthy

UPS Failure
  • All LVS, OWS will not be available
  • Scanner Supply Off. Hence Scanner sense NO flame
  • Boiler will trip on Flame failure. Turbine on MFT. Generator on Low Forward Power Protection
  • LLD High Level Switch will act
  • ID Fans : VFD will trip
  • APH Air motor will take Auto start
  • MDBFP Scoop will be Inoperative from Remote
  • All Drives vibration/Turbine Vibration Data will not Available

Instrument Air supply Failure
Reasons of Failure:
  • Failure of control supply of compressor
  • Loss of Cooling Water (SG ECW Pump Trip)
  • Massive leakage in IA supply Header
  • One Unit Under Overhaul. Unit Aux Board/ Station Aux board got Tripped of that Unit
  • Total Black Out of any stage
  • No Oil guns can be taken in service: Oil/steam Valves remain Inoperative. Igniter Will not advance
  • If Unit on only Oil guns: Boiler will Trip. (HOTV/LOTV will close)
  • Stay Put :
  • HAG/HAD/CAG/CAD. No mill can be taken in service.
  • SADC,
  • Burner tilt (if leakage the it will go Up),
  • SH/RH spray control valves( close due to leakage),
  • Seal Air Fan discharge /damper,
  • Scanner air fain Discharge Damper
  • D/A Level controllers ( close if Air Leakage)- Maintain Level through Motorized Bypass Valve
  • TDBFP Seal steam supply/dump –Maintain through Bypass motorized valve
  • FRS 30%(FDV-14) if Open (Close on leakage)- control Drum through Scoop, TDBFP Scoop may Increase or Decrease, Open High Range FRs 100 % line

  • Close:
  • SH/RH spray Block .Open SH/RH block v/v manually if Temperature is running high
  • Vacuum Pump inlet v/v will start closing(vacuum will fall)
  • HP/LP Heaters normal Drip
  • Open:
  • Running BFPs Recirculation Valve ( Start MDBFP or Reduce Load)
  • CEP recirculation – start Standby CEP to maintain H/W, D/A OR Reduce Load
  • GSC Recirculation will Open: Reduce condensate to D/A- Close its Manual valve
  • Normal Make-Up –maintain level through Bypass valve OR through Manual valve
  • HP/LP Heaters emergency Drip
  • Deaerator Overflow valve

  • Open PAC-IAC Interconnection.
  • Isolate Plant Air Supply to boiler of both Units.
  • Inform other stage to run Additional IAC and Open Interconnection b/w stages
  • C&I should periodically check the healthiness of the lock out relay for maintaining stay put condition and maintain records of such checking.
Important Points at IAC Failure:
  • Steam Temperature
  • Condenser Vacuum
  • Drum Level
  • Deaerator & Hotwell Level

Main Equipments Tripped


1 mill Tripped out of 6
  • Runback will Act
  • Capability - 466 MW
  • Machine Comes in IP mode

  • Reduce Load
  • Observe Drum Level( will go up)
  • Reduce Throttle Pressure SP
  • Take another Mill


2 mills Tripped out of 6
  • Runback will Act
  • Capability - 372 MW
  • Machine Comes in IP mode
  • Reduce Load
  • Observe Drum Level( will go up)
  • Observe Flame Scanner
  • If Necessary take Oil gun at an elevation
  • Reduce Throttle Pressure SP
  • Take another Mill
Any one ID Fan Trips
  • Runback will Act
  • Unit Capability-300 MW
  • Trip command to Respective FD Fan/ If not Tripped, Trip FD
  • Only 5 mills will Remain , rest will trip from top/ If not tripped, Trip from top leaving only 5 mills
  • Machine Comes in IP Mode
  • Observe Furnace Pressure
  • Observe Total Air Flow
  • Ensure Tripped FD Discharge Damper Closed
  • Ensure running FD Fan current in limit
  • Ensure Tripped ID Fan IGV closed on auto
  • Observe Drum Level
  • Observe Scanner
  • Reduce throttle Pr SP
  • Inform Maintenance for check
Both ID Fans Tripped
  • Unit will trip on MFT
  • Do shutdown Activities


Any one FD Fan Trips
  • Runback will Act
  • Unit Capability-300 MW
  • Trip command to Respective ID Fan/ If not Tripped, Trip ID
  • Only 5 mills will Remain , rest will trip from top/ If not tripped, Trip from top leaving only 5 mills
  • Machine Comes in IP Mode
  • Observe Furnace Pressure
  • Observe Total Air Flow
  • Ensure Tripped FD Discharge Damper Closed
  • Ensure running FD Fan current in limit
  • Ensure Tripped ID Fan IGV closed on auto
  • Observe Drum Level
  • Observe Scanner
  • Reduce throttle Pr SP
  • Inform Maintenance for check
Both FD Fans Tripped
  • Unit will trip on MFT
  • Do shutdown Activities


Anyone PA Fans Trip
  • Unit Capability-300 MW
  • If PA Header comes to 625 mmWC and not increased within 5 Seconds, all Mills will Trip on PA Header Pressure Low and Unit will trip on Loss of All Fuel
  • If PA Header comes to 500 mmWC, all Mills will Trip on PA Header Pressure Low and Unit will trip on Loss of All Fuel
  • Observe PA Header Pressure
  • Ensure Discharge Damper of PA Fan got closed
  • Observe Drum, Furnace, Total air flow
  • Observe Flame Scanner, Take Oil gun in elevation if required
  • Inform concerned Department for Tripping of Fan


Both PA Fans Tripped
  • all Mills will Trip on PA Header Pressure Low and Unit will trip on Loss of All Fuel(MFT)
  • Do shutdown Activities


Any1 BCW trips out of 2
  • Standby will come
  • If standby BCW pump do not come, runback will Act
  • Capability- 300 MW
  • Only 5 mills will Remain , rest will trip from top/ If not tripped, Trip from top leaving only 5 mills
  • Inform Concerned /department for the Tripping
  • Observe Drum level
  • Observe Flame Scanner
  • Observe running Pump DP


2 BCW pumps Trip
  • Standby BCW will come
  • Runback will Act
  • Only 5 mills will Remain , rest will trip from top/ If not tripped, Trip from top leaving only 5 mills
  • If standby donot come, Boiler will trip on MFT due to Waterwall Circulation Incorrect
  • Observe Drum,Furnace, BCW DP, flame Scanner
  • If unit trips, Follow the shutdown activities


Anyone SAPH Trips
  • Air Motor Comes in auto
  • If air Motor do not come, runback will act
  • Capability:300 MW
  • Only 5 mills will Remain , rest will trip from top/ If not tripped, Trip from top leaving only 5 mills
  • Observe SAPH FG /Air Outlet Temperature
  • Inform concerned deptt for Tripping of SAPH
  • If air Motor does not come , Ensure Closing of SAPH FG & Air Inlet & Outlet dampers
  • Observe Secondary air temperature at Windbox inlet


Both SAPH Trips
  • Air motor comes in auto

  • Air motor do not come, Unit will trip on Both SAPH Tripped (MFT)

  • Observe SAPH FG /Air Outlet Temperature
  • Inform concerned deptt for Tripping of SAPH
  • If air motor do not come, Follow the shutdown activities


Anyone SAPH Trips
  • Air Motor Comes in auto

  • If air Motor do not come,
  • Observe PAPH FG /Air Outlet Temperature
  • Inform concerned deptt for Tripping of SAPH

  • Ensure Closing of PAPH FG & Air Inlet & Outlet dampers
  • Observe PAPH FG /Air Outlet Temperature
  • Reduce load to 300 MW
  • Keep 4/5 Mills in service
  • Observe Mill Outlet temp


Both PAPH Trips
  • Air Motor Comes in auto

  • If air Motor do not come,
  • Observe PAPH FG /Air Outlet Temperature
  • Inform concerned deptt for Tripping of SAPH

  • Try to restore at least one PAPH
  • Take Maximum Oil guns
  • Stop All Mills One by One, Stop PA Fan
  • Observe Furnace Pr, Total air Flow, Reduce Throttle Pr SP
  • Take MDBFP & Maintain Drum Level
  • Load May get stabilized at 100 MW


Anyone TDBFP Trips
  • MDBFP will come in auto

  • MDBFP do not come in 10 seconds, Runback will Act
  • Unit Capability: 270 MW
  • Only 4 mills will remain
  • Machine will come in IP mode

  • MDBFP R/C Valve close on Auto, If not Close it
  • Inform Concerned Deptt

  • Ensure running TDBFP in auto, Drum Level in auto. Otherwise Increase Speed Reference
  • Observe Difference b/w BLI and FW, If its still High, Reduce Coal flow
  • Still Drum is not Rising, Trip 1 mill and take one oil gun
  • Reduce Th Pr SP
  • Inform concerned Deptt
Both TDBFP trips
  • MDBFP comes in Auto
  • Only 4 mills remains
  • Machine comes in IP Mode

  • Increase MDBFP Scoop to maintain Drum Level. Close its r/c valve
  • Still Drum is not Rising, Trip 1 mill and take one oil gun
  • Reduce Th Pr SP
  • Inform concerned Deptt


Both TDBFP Trips
  • MDBFP does not come in auto
  • Unit will trip on MFT(No BFP)
  • Do shutdown activities
  • Inform concerned Deptt


Any 1 CEP Trips
  • Standby CEP comes in auto

  • If standby does not come , runback will act, Capability: 275 MW
  • Only 5 mills will Remain , rest will trip from top/ If not tripped, Trip from top leaving only 5 mills
  • Machine comes in IP Mode

  • Inform concerned Deptt

  • Close D/A CV to raise CEP discharge Header Pr
  • Observe D/A level
  • Reduce Pressure SP


Both CEP Trips
  • Standby CEP comes in auto
  • Only 5 mills will Remain , rest will trip from top/ If not tripped, Trip from top leaving only 5 mills
  • Machine comes in IP Mode

  • Standby CEP does not come in auto
  • Only 5 mills will Remain , rest will trip from top/ If not tripped, Trip from top leaving only 5 mills
  • Machine comes in IP Mode

  • Close D/A CV to raise CEP discharge Header Pr
  • Observe D/A level
  • Reduce Pressure SP

  • Try to restore at least one CEP
  • Trip Mills one by one & Reduce load < 100 MW
  • Take one/two elevation guns
  • Observe D/A , H/W and Vacuum
  • Take MDBFP to maintain Drum
  • Unit May trip on D/A Level Low, Vacuum if any of the CEPs cannot be revived

IBT Outage
Consequences on Stage-2 ( Station Transformer Tripped)
  • 132 KV Switchyard dead results in tripping of -Station Transformers, Construction Transformer, Misc Transformer
  • All colony power( Lighting,Water supply) will get interrupted
  • Power Supply to DM Plant, HFO Pump house, PTCW Pump house, Offsite Board, ADPH,
  • Following Board will get dead:
  • OBA,OBB,OBC,OBD (11 KV station Board)
  • OCA,OCB (3.3 KV Station aux Board), ADPH MCC, CHP Transformers
  • DMPT, CWST, WTPT,BTST,ODA,ODB(Station Service), ODC(FW Pump House),ODD ( Offsite ): 3.3 KV
  • OQA,OQB(St. Serv),3SA,4SA(Air Washer MCC),3TA,4TA(Unit Ventilation MCC),OTA(HVAC ) : 415 V
  • OSA(SW MCC), OTB(Serv Bldg Ventilation MCC), FOPH : 415 V
  • Following Equipments will Trip ( If running)
  • ECW pump (TG)-C, PAC-1, PAC-2, IAC-3
  • DM Make-up Pumps, Boiler Fill Pumps, CW BFV OSU, MOT Centrifuge,
  • Electric Hydrant/Spray Pumps, Service Water Pumps, APH Wash Pump, Ash Water Make-up Pumps,
  • HFO/LDO Pumps , Raw Water Pumps, HVAC Make-up Pumps,
  • Clarified Water Pumps, SW Tank Make-up Valve
  • Unit-3: ACW pumps-B,C | Unit-4 : ACW Pumps-A,C
  • HVAC Equipments ( Air Washers, Chilled Pump, Condensate Pump etc)
  • Actions:
  • Charge IBT asap after informing EMD, if cannot be revived go For Safe Shut own Or otherwise follow
  • Stage-3 IAC Interconnection : Open
  • Stop soot Blowing
  • ACW-3A and ACW-4B will keep on running, Start 4th CW pump if not running
  • Observe Hotwell level, if decreasing Reduce load
  • Close PRDS Supply from Unit to reduce water consumption
  • If IBT cannot be revived, Before Tripping Unit, Start DG Set, Start AOP-1, SOP-1, PW-1 and then close DG incomer braeker of DG board and shift essential drives on this bus after tripping normal incomer from unit
  • As IBT revives, Charge ST, SATs, SSTs and run drives essential for normal condition of unit

Cold start-up
Points to Remember
  • maximum of HP casing and HP shaft is less than 150C(more than 5 days)
  • It requires soaking of Turbine at 360 rpm with steam(40ksc,360 Deg)
  • An upper limit of 200 C/hr. saturation temp gradients can be allowed, i.e. approximately the boiler pressure can be brought to 20 Kg/ Cm2 within an hour of cold start up
  • But actual temp gradient is limited by the thick walled Y piece provided in the main steam and HRH lines
  • maximum differential temp allowed between inner (98%) and mid wall temp (50%) is ±40C
  • Start only two CC pumps in order to minimize flashing in down comers (and subsequent vibration) when the boiler water is in the range of 85 to 125 C
  • third pump should be started before drum pressure reaches 7 Kg/Cm2 to minimize the temperature transients experienced by the pump casing ( this is to avoid fast load out back on the boiler in the event of any CC pump tripping).
  • To get the rolling parameters, normally two elevation oil guns are taken with approx. 70 to 80 t/hr. flow through HP-LP bypass. At that time MS parameters would be 40 Kg/Cm2 and 360 C.
  • As soon as the turbine loading has started, HP/LP by pass closes
  • First mill is put into operation around 10% of generator load
  • Second mill is put into operation around 25%
  • Third mill at 40% of generator load
  • Fourth and fifth mills are put into operation at 60% and 80% of generator load respectively
  • Sixth mill is taken to reach full generator load
  • During loading the RH outlet steam temperature has to be kept as close as possible to SH outlet steam temp. Burner tilt, SH spray, RH-spray controls have to be adjusted accordingly

0 ksc
Charge PRDS from other Units (14ksc,>260 Deg)
Open drains at PRDS,TG Floor,8.5 m

Charge Atomizing steam(Pr 6.5 ksc)
Open drains at 4 elevation

Fill Water upto +200 mm
One CEP i/s
LPH,HPH charged from FW side
Deaerator Level =175 mm
Hotwel b/w -100 to -200 mm
FRS 30 % to fill Drum /load upto 180 MW
Drum, SH, RH Vents , SH Drains : Open
LPD : Drains Closed
BSV : closed
Drain Before BSV :Closed
MS strainer drains UFT/SDFT: Open
HRH strainer Drain UFT/SDFT : Open
ECO Recirculation E20 Manual : Open

Charge LDO upto HOTV

ESP ready in charge Condition
Open i/l, o/l damper of passes

Bottom Hopper & Seal Trough Lined-up

EAST, Excitation panel, GRP Panel Ready

Generator gas Pr= 3.5 ksc

H2 cooler,PW system Ready

Start one CC pump
Drum >+200 mm, Vents B3,B4,B5,B6 Closed

Start second CC Pump
Drum normal =+50 mm, B3, B4,B5,B6 Closed

Start Scanner Fan

Start Both SAPH
Air Motor availability to be checked
FG/Air Inlet/Outlet Dampers Open

Start Both PAPH
Air Motor availability to be checked
Air Inlet/Outlet Dampers Open
FG Inlet/Outlet Dampers closed

Start one set ID/FD, Air>30% (600 TPH)
SADC 100 % (auto)

Charge SCAPH for Running FD Fan
Check for Increase in Air Temp at SAPH i/l

Start Purge (Duration : 5 min)
HOTV, LOTV got reset
SADC will released from 100 % in auto

Machine on Barring
LO Temp=45 Deg, Speed=80-100 rpm
JOP Header Pr=140 ksc
Start MOT Centrifuge
HPCF Charged, Temp=55 Deg


Boiler Ready & turbine on Barring
Start 4 guns in AB elevation

After 30', Start 4 guns in CD elevation
To match Drum MTM Raise 2 Deg/Min
LDO control Pressure =9 ksc
Start : Pair AB 1/3 and after 7 sec AB 2/4
Check scanner Intensity / Local Verfied
Start : Pair CD 1/3 and after 7 sec CD 2/4
Open E20 R/C valve, if MDBFP not feeding in Drum
Check Drum Level/ Open CBD
Check D/A Level & H/W level

Start GSC Exhauster fan
Charge Seal steam upto Supply Motorized v/v of GS supply station
Start Vacuum Pumps one by one
Open dtain before NRV
Steam Temp >250 Deg

Drain Casing of Pumps,
Fill Receiver tank >80 % in VG

At -0.2 ksc, charge seal steam
By bringing controller from 50 % towards zero
Build Vacuum upto -0.9 ksc

Open HPBP Warm-Up drains

Switch on SLC Drains
Verify: Manual v/v Opened

Drum Pr= 2ksc
Close SH/RH Header Vents
Close SH Header drains at Dr Pr =10 ksc
Open BSV Bypass Lines

To Warm up Ms/CRH/HRH lines

Drum Pr= 5ksc
Open LP Bypass 10%
Open BSVs
Open HPBP by 10% at Dr Pr=7 ksc
Start 3rd CC pumps at Dr Pr=9 ksc
Take Additional EF gun ( If Required)
Close HPBP Warm-up valves

Open 1st HPBP Warm-up valves
Close CRH drain Pot at TG 0m

Rolling through SGC

MS =15 ksc/
180-200 Deg
HRH=8 ksc
Switch On start-up Sequence of SGC-turbine

TSE Influence comes ON

MS =50 ksc/
350 Deg
HRH=8 ksc/350 Deg
Turbine Ready to Roll
Turbine Speed raised to 360 rpm through SGC sequence
Ensure LO TCV on auto with SP=45 Deg
Gas Controller on auto
PW controller on auto
Ensure closure of Barring valve at 240 rpm
Monitor TG Vibrations, TSI, Bearing Temp
MS Pressure/Temp to be maintained upto load 50 MW

MS =50 ksc/
350 Deg
Turbine at 360 rpm
Turbine Speed raised to 3000 rpm through SGC sequence
Check X6 criteria
Ensure Tripping of JOP at 540 rpm
Ensure Tripping of AOP at 2950 rpm

MS =50 ksc/
350 Deg
Turbine at 3000rpm
Switch Off SGC Program
Put AVR on auto
Close Field Breaker
Select Main GCB
Switch on Synchroscope after select Check
Synchronise unit through synchroscope from OWS
Raise Speed SP by 15 rpm
Close MAL drains and other HE drains
Check X7 criteria

GT Cooler Fan starts on auto/ Verify

Load Ref=50 MW . Pr Max=75 MW
Turbine Speed will Decrease

Load=55 Mw
MS Pr=54 ksc/350 Deg
HRH=12 /340 Deg
Start PA Fan, Seal air Fans starts in auto
Take 1st Mill
Start 2nd set of ID/FD Fans
Cut in LPH-2, 3
Cut out Deaerator steam from PRDS
Peg Deaerator form CRH =2 ksc
Cut in all controllers
Open PAPH FG/Air inlet/outlet Damper Open
PA Header Pr=800 mmWC,
SA Disch Hdr=1500 mmWC

110 MW
MS=70ksc/370 Deg

Charge PRDS from CRH
Peg D/A upto 4ksc( gradually)
Cut in 2nd Mill
Start withdrawing Oil support
Control MS/HRH Temp with Burner Tilt and spray(if Required)

Ensure energizing of Trim Device at 100 MW load

Ensure Fireball scanners Healthiness

160 MW

Hydrogen Purging:
  • Suppy of DC SOP Off
  • Start one AC SOP ( DP=1.5 ksc)
  • Dew Point Air=<-10 Deg, clearance from Chemist
  • H2 (Isolated Position), CO2(Isolated Position), Air Inlet(Open), Casing vent ( Closed)
  • Fill and Pressurise upto 0.5 ksc
  • After that, cut out Air supply and Detach Hose of air to Filter
  • CO2 cylinders in rack, CO2 Flash Evaporator On(SLc made ON), Hot Water Lined up to Filling room, Pour water on cylinder
  • Maintain Manifold Pr=50 ksc
  • Filling CO2: H2 (Vent Position), CO2(Inlet Position), Air Inlet(Close), Manitain Co2 (0.3-0.8 ksc) by Casing vent
  • Continue Till purity of Co2 comes more than, 99%, Purge other Drier by changeover, Purge LLD, clearance from Chemist(25-35 Cylinders)
  • CO2 supply Out: CO2 (Vent Position), H2 (inlet position), Air inlet(Close), mainatain b/w 0.3 t0 o.8 ksc Pressure by Casing Vent
  • Continue Till purity of H2 comes more than, 99%, Purge other Drier by changeover, Purge LLD, clearance from Chemist: (90-100 Cylinders)
  • Pressurization: Co2 (Isolated), H2 (Inlet Position), Air( Closed Position), Casing Vent( Close ): (50-70 cylinders)
  • Start H2 SOP when As SOP reaches 4.5 ksc,SLC AS SOP, SLC H2 SOP, DC SOP to be normalised
  • Build Pressure of H2 upto 3.35 ksc, cut out H2 supply
  • H2(ISolated), CO2(Isolated), AIr(Close), Casing Vent ( Close)

Important Procedures
Vacuum Pulling : Procedure:
  • Close RH Vents, CRH, HRH UFT drains
  • Close Vacuum Breaker
  • Open 8.5 m steam Manual valve full Both (100%), Temp> 250 Deg ( Open
  • Start GSC Exhauster Fan
  • Start Both Vacuum pumps ( Casing Empty, Receiver tank Level adeq)
  • At -0.2 ksc charge steam gradually ( lower Controller from 50% 0 %)
  • Build Vacuum upto -0.9 ksc
Vacuum Killing : Procedure:
  • Stop Vacuum Pumps
  • Open Vacuum Breaker at -0.3 ksc Vacuum
  • At -0.2 ksc, Close steam supply from Controller(50%), Closing Manual valve at 8.5 m(Both)
  • Stop GSC Fans
  • Open chimney Vents to Atmosphere
Turbine Fast cooling: Procedure:
  • Gag Test valves of ESVs and IVs, CRH, close IPCV Sec Oil Pressure line(8.5 m)
  • Open MAL Drains with their Manuals
  • HP Casing Temp<= 300 Deg, Turbine on Barring
  • Start Vacuum pumps (Maintain vacuum b/w -0.2 to -0.3 ksc)
  • Switch Off RTS Supply, Reset Turbine(SD=0%)
  • Close EHG sec Oil Supply to CV by Manually isolating at Gov Rack
  • Open ESVs at SD=40%
  • Open HPCVs at 55% (According to cooling rate : 5-6 Deg/hour)
  • Observe TSI: DE, SE, CE
  • Stop Fast cooling & Close Barring when HP Casing reaches 110 Deg
Boiler Forced Cooling: Procedure:
  • Boiler Tripped, one set of ID/FD Running after Purging, BCWs Running
  • Keep Running FD fan till APH FG inlet comes 205 Deg
  • After that Trip FD Fan, Keep Running ID Fan in VFD Min position
  • At Boiler Water Temp (s/c manifold temp 93 Deg), Trip all BCW Pumps
  • Boiler washing to be done after that
Air/Co2/H2 Pressurizing in Generator: Procedure:
  • Start AC SOP
  • Keep SLC DC SOP Off/ DC SOP Module Off. Keep SLC AC AOP Off
  • Start filling Air after measuring Dew point (Preferably <-10deg)
  • Fill Air Upto 0/5 ksc
  • Then Fill Co2 and vent Air through casing vent. Purity>99% . Vary(0.25-0.75 ksc)
  • Purge CO2 with H2 (0.25-0.75 ksc), vent through H2 Casing vent. Purity>98% (at least two continuous ample)
  • Pressurize H2 upto 3.5 ksc
  • While Pressurising , start H2 seal oil pump at 4.5 ksc AS SOP Pressure. SLC As SOP On/DC SOP Module ON/DC SOP On
  • Take Trial o0f DC SOP/other As SOP too
Centrifuge : Operation
  • Drain anti-Flood Tank
  • Start Separator
  • At speed nearly constant , Charge sealing water,
  • After 1 minute, Close seal water inlet valve
  • Open Suction valve of Centrifuge
  • Check flow through rotameter
Reheater Metal Temperature
  • Depends on: Total air Flow, Burner tilt, Mill combination, Total coal/PA Flow, Reheater spray etc
  • RH Tube Leakge : Causes- Coal Ash Corrosion for Tubing, Uneven Temp distribution across Boiler
  • Coal Ash Corrosion: Tube temp Higher than ash-fusion temperature. Liquid slag deposition. Oxidizes the metal at rate many times than normal rate of 0.001”-0.002” /Year
  • Uneven Tmperature Distribution: Rupture due to Creep.
  • FG Temp Distribution Across Furnace:
Div SH (900)Final SH(850)Reheater(750)LTSH(550)Eco outlet(390)

Turbine Governing system
Key Points
  • Governing- Regulation of Turbine Speed under No Load and Varying Load
  • Others Works: CV Actuation/ Initial Run-up & Synchronization/ Load Variation to meet Grid Freq
  • 500 MW KWU: Throttle Governed Machine
  • 2 Governors , EHC and HG connected in Parallel: Only One at a time through Hyd Minimum slection
  • CVs Open according to Secondary oil Pressure
  • Between 100 MW to 525 MW , Load variation done by HPCV throttling
Hydraulic Governor
  • Only one control Loop: Speed controller
  • Machine Speed: measured & Indicated by Primary Oil Pressure
  • Range of Speed Control : 2800-3210 rpm
  • Speed Regulation Range( Droop) of HG= 7%
  • HG acts as a Back-up to EHG
  • HG Cannot be isolated Mechanically
  • HG is the Primary Governor of KWU turbine
Electro-Hydraulic Governor
  • EHG has 3 control loops for speed, Load, Pressure
  • EHG enhance Turbine life by TSE
  • Faster Response and Precise Frequency control
  • Actual Speed Measured by Hall Probes
  • Range of speed Control : 0-3210 rpm
  • Speed Regulation( Droop) can be changed from 2.5% to 8% in step of 0.5% on Load, Usual setting: 5%
  • EHG Can be mechanically isolated by closing secondary oil from local
  • Running condition: De-energized(Drain : closed), Tripping condition: Energized( Drain : Open)
  • Running: Control Oil To Trip Gear
  • Tripped Condition: Control Oil Path Locked & Trip oil from Trip Gear Drained through Drain Port
  • 02 in Nos in Series
Turbine Trip Gear
  • Main Protection Mechanism | 02 in Nos
  • Control OilRTSControl OilTrip Gear spool Spool MovementTrip Oil (from top) & Aux Trip Oil ( From Bottom)
  • Aux Trip Oil Keeps Spool in Lifted Position
  • Aux Trip Oil is connected to hydraulic Safety Devices: Over-speed, Low Vacuum & Thrust Bearing Trip Devices
  • Resets Turbine after Tripping
  • Opens : SVs and Release CVs for Opening
  • AT 0% starting Device:
Bellows compressed ( CVs Closed)
Aux start up Oil Resets Trip Devices
Start up oil Resets SVs ( ESVs & IVs)
  • Raising starting Device:
Start-up Oil & aux start-up Oil circuits drained
ESV Opens at 42% and IVs open at 56%
Speeder Gear
  • Bellow + Spring
  • Bellow compression controlled by
Starting Device Position
Speeder Gear Position ( alerts Spring Tension)
Primary Oil Pressure
  • Draining /closing of oil drains happens through Aux FUP connected through link with speeder Gear

Test Valves
  • HP/IP SVs receive Trip Oil Through their Test valves
  • Port Opening for start-up oil and Trip Oil
  • Resets SVs after Turbine Tripping
  • Test valve can be operated with Handwheel
Working of Governing system
Control OilStarting DeviceAux Start-Up oil Trip GearHydraulic Protection Devices
Start-Up oil Trip GearESVs
(Speeder Gear linked with Starting Device)
Trip Oil Aux FUP(movement according to SG)Aux secondary Oil Input to Hydraulic Converter
Control Oil + Aux Sec OilHydraulic converter(trip oil FUPs)HP/IP Secondary oil to CVs

Switchyard Breaker arrangement:

GT#1 1-52 Main (GCB to Bus Bar-1) 2-52 (Tie-GCB to bus Bar-2) 3-52(IBT-1 i/c)
GT#2 7-52Main (GCB to Bus Bar-2) 8-52((Tie-GCB to bus Bar-1)
Bus bar-1 4-52 (H1) 5-52(Tie H1-S2) 6-52(S2) Bus Bar-2
Bus bar-2 10-52 (S1) 11-52(Tie S1-H2) 12-52(H2) Bus Bar-1

Bus-1 13-52(Bus-coupler-1) Bus-3
Bus-2 14-52(Bus-coupler-2) Bus-4

GT#3 15-52 Main (GCB to Bus Bar-3) 16-52 ( Tie-GCB to bus Bar-4) 17-52(IBT-2 i/c)
GT#4 21-52 Main (GCB to Bus Bar-2) 22-52 ((Tie-GCB to bus Bar-1)
Bus Bar-318-5219-52(Tie)20-52(A1)Bus Bar-4
Bus Bar-318-5219-52(Tie)20-52(A1)Bus Bar-4
Bus Bar-424-52(A2)25-52(Tie)Bus Bar-3

IBT (132 KV)
IBT-1(Transformer)LT of IBT-1(12-52) (12-89 Isolator-Bus-1 & 12-89A Isolator to bus -2)]12-89Bus-1ST-1(10-52), ST-3(3-52)
IBT-2(Transformer)LT of IBT-2(13-52) (13-89 Isolator-Bus-1 & 13-89A Isolator to bus -2)]13-89ABus-2ST-2(7-52),St-4(14-52)
4-52(Miscellaneous Transformer)
6-52(Overhead Transformer)

Check List (Light-Up)
Drum Level, RH Protection Bypass

Seal Trough charged & Bottom Hopper filled

ESP field Ready & Off

SADC In auto

LPD close, Drum SH Vents Open, SH drains Open, Eco-Recirculation Open

APH blowing Lined-up

All 3 BCW Running

CBD Manual Open, EBD Auto close Bypass

LP dosing & Both CPU i/s

FG & Air path OK/ PAPH-A/B FG outlet Damper closed

All Mills & Feeders Ready

Hotwell & Deaerator Normal

SH/RH/HPBP spray Manual closed(Turbine Side)

MAL Drains/SDFT/UFT Manual Open

MS/HRH strainers drain to UFT,SDFT Open

Vacuum Pulled,TDBFPs on Barring/Rolled upto 1000 rpm through PRDS


Note Boiler Light-up Time ( 1st gun I/s)

Time of BLU:
Feed Drum through 30% line by TDBFP(Maintain DP>10 ksc) Or MDBFP

Close Drum/SH Vents at 2 ksc Drum Pressure

BSV Open at 5ksc Drum Pressure

HPBP/LPBP Open at 8 ksc Drum Pressure

Start-up vents Close after HPBP/LPBP Charging

Close SH Drains at 10 ksc Drum Pressure

Before Rolling

Time Before rolling:
Before PA Fan start,Open 2 Mills CAG/CAD, start PA Fan,Open PAPH FG o/l

Ensure only one Seal air Fan Running

One Mill A/C to be taken i/s as per HP Casing Metal Temp

Bring Rolling Parameter, Note Time Before rolling

Turbine EHTC Normal from Local

HP ESV/IV/CV /CRH gagging Removed

Decrease TG LO SP to 45 Deg

Turbine LP Mode, Load Ref 50 MW, Pr Max 75 MW, Th Pr SP=30 Ksc

Before Synchronization

GT Isolators from s/Y Closed

GRP relays Reset

One Mill i/s and Other Warmed-up(Hot Air charged)

HPBP spray Manual Open when Downstream Temp crosses 330 Deg

After Synchronization

Time Of sync:
SH/RH sprays from turbine Side Normalized. Monitor MS/HRH Temp

PW/CG Controller on auto

LPH/Deaerator charged

MAL/SDFT/UFT Manual drains closed

ST/UT Change-over at 100 MW

FRS High Range at 180 MW from 30 % line change-Over

Oil guns taken out (>5 Mills i/s: scanner Healthy), Note time of Oil w/d

ESP field charging after Oil guns taken out

Boiler silica to be monitored Before Load Increase

Checked By



Rolling of TDBFP: Turbine
Points to Remember:
  • AT Load 100/150/200/250 MW, Single TD rolled, Steam available for TDBFP=20/25/30/38 TPH
(CRH Extraction(0-250MW), IPT(250-300)
  • AT Load 100/150/200/250 MW, Both TD rolled, Steam available for TDBFPs=15/18/22/25TPH
  • Design Parameers: 7.2 ksc /300 Deg/ 0.12 ksc /5325 rpm/

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