Dadri stage-1 start up & shutdown Checklist
Unit Shutdown Checklist
Date : __________
Time :
Reason of Tripping:
1. Unit Just Tripped /
First Up acted:
Turbine: ______________
GRP Relays Acted:
Boiler Side
S.No |
Activity to be monitored |
Remarks |
Both PA Fans tripped |
Yes No |
All Mills Tripped |
Yes No |
All Feeders Tripped |
Yes No |
HFO Trip valve is closed |
Yes No |
LDO trip valve is closed |
Yes No |
All Scanners show NO – Flame |
Yes No |
HFO/LDO Nozzle valves in closed condition |
Yes No |
All Hot air gates are in closed condition |
Yes No |
SH spray valves closed. |
Yes No |
RH spray valves closed. |
Yes No |
Burner Tilt became horizontal |
Yes No |
Drum level normal. |
If drum level could not be maintained, stop BCW pumps. |
PAPH outlet flue gas dampers Closed. |
Yes No |
- Close Boiler Stop valves if the Boiler is not going to be lighted up immediately.
- If boiler trips due to either both FD fans trip or both ID fans trip, as soon as fans are ready start one set of ID/FD Fans and purge the boiler.
- If Boiler forced cooling is required for any repair work on pressure parts, continue the running of ID/FD fans with around 1000 t/hr air flow along with at least one BCW pump in service. Other wise ID/FD fans can be stopped after purging the boiler.
Turbine/Generator Side
S.No |
Activity to be monitored |
Remarks |
All Turbine stop and control valves closed |
Yes No |
GCB/Field breakers open |
Yes No |
Turbine speed is coasting down |
Yes No |
CRH NRV & Extraction FCNRVs closed |
Yes No |
AOP came on auto < 2850 RPM |
Yes No Lube oil pressure = |
Check HP evacuation valve is open |
Yes No |
Condenser vacuum is Normal |
Yes No |
Note: If turbine trip is due to low condenser vacuum, trip boiler and close boiler stop valves & HP/LP bypass valves. |
All extraction valves closed LPH -2,3 ,D/A, HPH 5A , 5B , 6A , 6B |
Yes No |
BFP C in service to maintaining Drum Level |
Yes No |
TDBFPs running on Aux steam or on Turning gear. |
Yes No |
HP Bypass valves in closed condition |
Yes No |
HP Bypass spray line manual valve closed. |
Yes No |
RH pressure should be less than 12 Ksc |
If required RH can be de – pressurized by opening LP bypass |
Check all the MAL drains are open including HP Casing drain |
Yes No |
Check Motorised drain in CRH line is in open condition |
Yes No |
JOP started at 510 RPM |
Yes No |
Gate valve gearing open at 210 RPM |
Yes No |
Time taken for TG to come on barring speed from 3000 RPM to 1. Time taken to reach 540 RPM : 2. Time taken to reach 210 RPM : 3. Time taken to reach 120 RPM : 4. Time taken to reach 85 RPM : ( Vacuum Killed ) |
_______________ minutes _______________ minutes _______________ minutes _______________ minutes |
Activities after TG came on barring
S.No |
Activity to be monitored |
Remarks |
Check Hot well / De-aerator levels Aux Steam enters the system through seal steam.
Hotwell level has the tendency to rise indefinitely - monitor the level continuously.
One CW Pump Stopped |
Yes No |
Switch off all ESP fields after 02 Hrs of Boiler trip |
Yes No |
Vacuum can be killed if immediate startup is not planned. Before killing vacuum ensure, 1. Boiler stop valves are closed. 2. MS, CRH and HRH pressures are zero else use HP/LP bypass for depressurization. 3. Close seal steam warm-up drain, drain valves before AS-1 and AS-3 of TDBFP A&B. |
Monitor the Turbine speed if vacuum is killed |
Check for any oil leakages or fire or smoke at Turbine bearings / HP Bypass / Seal steam valves |
Yes No |
Manual isolating valves at Oil elevations closed |
Yes No |
Open GCB isolator opened if the unit will remain shut down for more than 02 hrs |
Yes No |
Remarks :
Unit Start – Up Checklist
Date: ________
Time: ________
Just Before
maintenance give clearance for boiler light up
Boiler Side
S.No |
Activity to be monitored |
Remarks |
Ensure that isolations of pending permits do not affect unit startup. |
Yes No |
At least one CW pump in service. |
Yes No |
Two ACW pumps in service, Standby in auto. |
Yes No |
SGECW pump in service. Standby available. Tank level normal. |
Yes No |
Cooling water is Charged for all the auxiliaries like ID , FD , PA , Mills & APHs |
Yes No |
Lube oil system for ID, FD, PA, APH and Mill in service and filters are clean. |
Yes No |
Check APHs for actual rotation from local & air motor is in normalized condition |
Yes No |
Scanner air fan is running and header Pr. Normal - > 250 mm |
Yes No |
Primary and secondary SCAPH I/L and O/L dampers open, bypass closed |
Yes No |
10. |
PAPH Gas O/L dampers closed. |
Yes No |
11. |
Available ESP passes I/L and O/L Gates open, ACP in service, Fields ready to be taken into service. |
Yes No |
12. |
Burner Tilt Horizontal |
Yes No |
13. |
Boiler expansion indicating rods are in position |
Yes No |
14. |
Instrument & Service air pressures are adequate |
Yes No |
15. |
Aux. PRDS Unit header charged from Station Header, Pressure and Temperature o.k. |
Yes No |
16. |
Bottom/Fly ash evacuation system ready. |
Yes No |
17. |
Trough seal over flow is OK |
Yes No |
18. |
Ensure all the manholes and peep holes of the Boiler are closed. |
Yes No |
19. |
HFO/LDO trip valves in closed condition |
Yes No |
20. |
HFO, LDO, Atomising steam and Air manual isolating valves are open. |
Yes No |
21. |
Ensure short recirculation valve is open. |
Yes No |
22. |
Available oil guns properly clamped. Fuel oil, Atomising Steam/Air corner manual valves are open. |
Yes No |
23. |
Raise the HFO temp>1200 C |
Yes No |
24. |
Ensure Tracing steam is in normalized condition and lines at oil elevations are hot. |
Yes No |
25. |
Available mills are kept normalized electrically and mechanically |
Yes No |
26. |
Pulveriser discharge valves, Burner isolation gates are open |
Yes No |
27. |
Boiler corners fire protection system is in service |
Yes No |
If drum pressure is less than 2 kg/cm2 before light up |
28. |
Ensure SH header drain valves
and master drain valve are open. |
Yes No |
29. |
SH/Drum vent valves are open. |
Yes No |
30. |
Boiler shutoff valves are
closed |
Yes No |
31. |
SH startup vents are open. |
Yes No |
If drum pressure is >2 kg/cm2 |
32. |
SH startup vents open or Condenser
vacuum available for charging HP/LP bypass system immediately after lightup. |
Yes No |
33. |
Boiler filled up to normal drum level. |
Yes No |
34. |
Economiser Recirculation valve open |
Yes No |
35. |
At least one BCW pump (preferably two pumps) in service. |
Yes No |
36. |
SH , RH spray valves normalized |
Yes No |
37. |
MS, CBD, SH sampling points are normalized. |
Yes No |
38. |
CBD manual valves at Drum and EF elevation are kept open |
Yes No |
39. |
Ensure HP Bypass spray manual valve is kept closed. |
Yes No |
40. |
All available ERVs motorized isolating valves are in open condition |
Yes No |
41. |
APH soot blowing steam lined up from Aux steam. |
Yes No |
42. |
APH – oil carryover probe is kept after cleaning / Lights are glowing in cold end air side |
Yes No |
43. |
SCAPH isolating valves are kept open |
Yes No |
TG Side
S.No |
to be monitored |
Remarks |
TG on barring and Turbine lube oil pressure is O.K. |
Yes No Lube Oil Pressure = |
Lube oil filter DP Noraml. |
Yes No |
SLCs of Turbine lube/Jacking oil pumps, turning gear ON |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Condenser CW passes are charged and ACW system in service. |
Yes No |
Both CW pumps are in service. |
Yes No |
Two TG ECW pumps are in service. Tank level normal |
Yes No |
MOT / FRF / BFPs – oil levels are OK |
Yes No |
MOT / TDBFP A / B ; Control Fluid ; SOST vapor exhausters are in service |
Yes No |
MOT , C.F. , BFPs , H2Gas , Exciter , Primary water , Seal oil coolers in charged condition |
Yes No |
One HPCF pump in service with standby available. |
Yes No |
HPCF regeneration circuit in service. |
Yes No |
SLC HPCF pumps and heaters ON. |
Yes No |
Any one primary water pump in service with standby available. |
Yes No |
SLC of PW pumps ON. |
Yes No |
PW tank level normal |
Yes No |
PW winding and bushing flows are normal |
Yes No |
Primary water alkalyser is in service & conductivity normal. |
Yes No |
Gen casing H2 pressure >3.3 kg/cm2 and purity
>99% |
Yes No |
H2 Driers are in service. |
Yes No |
Sufficient H2 and CO2 cylinders are available in stock. |
Yes No |
Lube oil, HPCF, PW and H2 gas temp controllers are on auto. |
Yes No |
Generator LLDs are clear. |
Yes No |
Governing rack is in normalized condition with EHC isolating valves in open condition |
Yes No |
On EHTC Mimic
Yes No |
Check all the manual isolating valves provided in the turbine side drains are in open condition |
Yes No |
No “MCC disturbance” in MAL valves, MS/HRH strainer drain valves, CRH NRV drain valve, HP/LP bypasses warm-up drain valves. |
Yes No |
HP evacuation valve open |
Yes No |
Available BFPs are kept normalized |
Yes No |
Turbine Stop and control valves – gags in removed condition ( C.F. valves are normalized ) |
Yes No |
Check all the TG bearings return oil flow / vacuum O.K. |
Yes No |
All DM Make up pumps available including CST pumps |
Yes No |
Both CPUs are in service |
Yes No |
GT back charged, coolers in service, ensured locally |
Yes No |
UT A & B coolers in service. |
Yes No |
11 kv buses 5UA and 5UB charged from UT A & B. |
Yes No |
Supply to all the HT / LT SWGRs available |
Yes No |
LP dosing pumps ready to be run along with BFP |
Yes No |
Fire protection systems for transformers, Oil tanks and cable galleries are in service |
Yes No |
Written clearance from PP / RM / C&I / TM / AHM / EM in communication register |
Yes No |
Boiler lighted up and HP/LP bypass charged
S.No |
To be Monitored |
Remarks |
APH Soot blowing is in progress |
Yes No |
Sec SCAPH is kept in service |
Yes No |
Air and Flue gas out let temperatures of APHs are normal |
Yes No |
Drum metal temperatures Top / Bottom |
Seal steam pressure controller in auto and supply temperature >250oC |
Yes No |
De-aerator Pegging steam charged – after any BFP is kept in service & Pressure and Temperatures are OK –3.5 Ksc & >120oC |
Yes No |
No change in turbine speed after charging HP/LP bypass |
Yes No |
Check - Load reference should be at 55 MW as per logic on auto while rolling through ATRS |
Yes No |
PRMax ( load limiter ) at > 250MW |
Yes No |
CBD is kept open |
Yes No |
Check Hotwell , Dearator ,Drum levels , HFO / LDO pressures |
Yes No |
HP / LP dosing as per chemist advice |
Yes No |
Both the vacuum pumps are in service |
Yes No |
Check for any oil leakages or fire or smoke at Turbine bearings / HP Bypass / Seal steam valves |
Yes No |
Open HP Bypass spray manual valve just before taking 1st mill in service |
Yes No |
Check seal air fan took start on auto along with PA Fan and DP >500mmwcl |
Yes No |
ESP fields are put in service after 1st mill is put in service |
Yes No |
GRP relays reset |
Yes No |
Note down D/A , Hotwel levels |
Yes No |
Note down condenser Vacuum |
Written clearance obtained from Chemist for Turbine rolling |
Yes No |
Keep all the Turbine side drains open before starting Turbine rolling |
Yes No |
4. Turbine Rolled upto
3000 rpm
S.No |
To be Monitored |
Remarks |
Gate valve gearing closed at Turbine speed > 240 RPM |
Yes No |
JOP stopped at Turbine speed > 540RPM |
Yes No |
HP evacuation valve should close at Turbine speed > 2850 RPM |
Yes No |
AOP stopped at turbine speed >2850 rpm and lube oil pressure normal. |
Yes No |
Both sets of ID/FD fans in service before synchronisation |
Yes No |
Check HP Bypass / seal steam area for any oil spillage / Fire |
Yes No |
One TDBFP rolled and running on recirculation |
Yes No |
Unit Synchronised
S.No |
To be Monitored |
Remarks |
Excitation is on AUTO |
Yes No |
Tracking device in auto and tracking EHC |
Yes No |
Load controller active, raise set point if required. |
Yes No |
Ensure speed set point is tracking actual speed by 15 rpm after load controller takes over. |
Yes No |
SLC Drains on auto. |
Yes No |
HP/LP bypass closed. |
Yes No |
All the heaters LPH 2 , 3 , D/A and extraction valve to TDBFPs are charged |
Yes No |
LPH-2&3 level controls on auto |
Yes No |
Note down D/A , Hotwell levels |
Yes No |
Note down condenser Vacuum |
Keep the CRH header drain open for some more time. |
Yes No |
All the Turbine side drains (other than extraction 5&6) are closed |
Yes No |
HP Turbine Top / Bottom DT< 10 oC |
Yes No |
IP Front / Rear Top / Bottom DT less than 10oC |
Yes No |
Gland Seal steam controller on auto |
Yes No |
Check TSE Margins > 10oK always |
Yes No |
Check HP Exhaust temperature |
Yes No |
Check RH pressure corresponding with the load |
Yes No |
Furnace pressure controller, PA header pressure controller on auto. |
Yes No |
After crossing 60% load
S.No |
To be Monitored |
Remarks |
HP heaters are charged, Level controllers on auto. |
Yes No |
Ext-5 &6 drains closed |
Yes No |
Yes No |
ESP fields are charged |
Yes No |
APH Soot blowing stopped |
Yes No |
SCAPH is isolated |
Yes No |
Mill rejects cleaning is in progress |
Yes No |
CBD silica / Drum Pressure Restrictions are monitored |
Yes No |
Check all the level controllers like Drum , HOTWEL / Dearator , PW , CF , L.O , Gas temp are on auto |
Yes No |
10. |
Both TDBFPs are in service and on auto. |
Yes No |
11. |
FCNRVs in extraction lines are open. |
Yes No |
12. |
support withdrawn. |
Yes No |
13. |
Scanners show healthy flame. |
Yes No |
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