Thursday, May 21, 2020

Vacuum Pulling Process

Vacuum Pulling Process
1 Ensure permit cancellation on Vacuum pump/Flash Tank related MOV/Condensate system & Clearance for vacuum pulling.

2 At least one CW Pump is in service & condenser passes are charged. Ensure 2 no. ACW pumps are running & discharge Header pressure > 2ksc.
3 TG set is on barring & speed > 65 RPM
4 One CEP is in service & GSC minimum flow > 350 TPH
5 One control fluid pump is in service.(For operation of Vacuum Breaker )
6 Ensure Unit HTPRDS is in charged condition. HT unit header pressure & temperature should be 12 ksc & > 300ÂșC respectively
7 Ensure Vacuum pumps A & B are lined up from local :
 Condenser pass Both air manual valve are in open condition ( Near LP Bypass Control valve)
 Individual Vacuum pump inlet manual valve is in open condition
 cooling water is in charged condition.( Inlet & outlet valves are in open condition)
 Separator tank level is normal & is lined up from given water source
8 Ensure Following valves are in open condition:
 MAW10AA011 (Seal Steam header drain to HPFT)
 MAW50AA010 ( Leak off inlet MOV )
 MAL 81 & its manual valve
 GSC drain to LPFT manual valve
9 Ensure Following valves are in close condition:
 MAW15AA001 (Seal Steam supply bypass MOV)
 MAW55AA001 (Leal off Steam bypass MOV)
 MAW10AA010 (Seal Steam supply inlet MOV)
 TDBFP- A & B Exhaust MOV
10 Ensure MAW80AA001 (Seal steam exhaust to GSC inlet) or MAW80AA007 (Seal steam exhaust to atmosphere) is in open condition.
11 Ensure D/A overflow pneumatic valve & bypass MOV are in closed condition

1 Open Atmospheric drain of seal steam header at TG 8.5 m
2 Open slowly AS - 67 MOV ( At TG 17m) to increase seal steam inlet temperature
3 Close Vacuum breaker & start one vacuum pump
4 Open seal steam manual isolating valve at TG 8.5 m & increase seal steam inlet temperature (By opening seal steam supply bypass & leak off bypass MOV). But It
should not be admitted to seal steam header if temperature is less than 250 deg C
5 Charge seal steam header ( By opening MOV MAW10AA010 & control valve) at vacuum 0.80 ksc
6 Start GSC fan & ensure its inlet valve opens on auto.
7 Put Seal steam header pressure controller in auto
8 Ensure Main turbine speed is in increasing trend & it will stabilize between 100 to 120 RPM
9 Ensure all drains to UFT are closed & all drains to SDFT are opened
10 Ensure Condenser vacuum should be more than 0.15 ksc.
11 Maintain Hotwell & Deaerator level

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