Thursday, May 21, 2020

Shutdown Instructions

Shutdown Instructions
1 Ensure UT change over before tripping of boiler/ turbine.
2 Ensure 400 KV breaker are opened after unit tripping.

3 Ensure closing of all HP/ IP SV & CV. Ensure closing of CRH NRV.
4 Maintain Seal steam pressure & temperature .Close Leak off Bypass MOV , if it is open
5 Ensure TG AOP takes start at 2850RPM, otherwise start it manually. Ensure lub oil header pressure is adequate.
6 If AOP1 does not start then start AOP2 manually.
7 If AOP1 & AOP2 do not start, start EOP manually.
8 Open FRS low level controller valve FDV-14 to maintain drum level & Close High range FRS MOV FDV-16
9 Ensure HPT evacuation valve opens after turbine tripped and closes at 2000 rpm.
10 Ensure All Extraction V/Vs got closed on interlock. Otherwise close it from UCB or manually.
11 Ensure tripping of both PA fans & All Mills.
12 Ensure closing of HOTV/LOTV & all oil nozzle valve.
13 Ensure protection closing of SH/RH spray Block valve & its individual block & control valve.
14 Charge MS PRDS from other unit & maintain seal steam inlet temp > 280 deg C
15 Ensure Closing of PAPH-A & B FG outlet control dampers
16 Maintain Hot well & D/A levels
17 Close both Boiler stop valve
18 De-pressurize MS & HRH line through HP/LP bypass
19 Raise turbine oil temperature set point to 56 deg C during turbine coasting down. If needed, close cooling water isolating valve of MOT cooler.
20 Ensure JOP cut in at 510RPM or start it manually. Ensure JOP discharge header pressure is > 130 ksc
21 Ensure opening of turning gear valve at 210RPM or open it manually. Observe drop of MOT level by 70mm - 80mm
22 Close SH/RH spray all manual isolating valves at Boiler/TG side
23 Close HPBP spray line BD valve and its manual isolating valve.
24 Close main manual isolation valve of HFO & LDO station
25 Close individual isolation manual valve of oil/steam/air nozzle valve
26 Ensure air flow 700 TPH & purge boiler
27 Ensure SLC-drains is on and all drain v/v operate on interlock.
28 Ensure No fast dropping of HP/IP Casing & shaft temperature. Monitor HP/IP Casing DT
29 Open CRH line drain CRHV-101 & MAL-65.Ensure there manual valve are also opened
30 Open MS strainer drain valve to further De-pressurize MS line
31 Monitor barring speed & it will stabilize between 110RPM - 120 RPM with vacuum
32 Fill post shut down monitoring sheet 

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