Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Important Procedures

Vacuum Pulling : Procedure:
Ø  Close RH Vents, CRH, HRH UFT drains
Ø  Close Vacuum Breaker
Ø  Open 8.5 m steam Manual valve full Both (100%), Temp> 250 Deg ( Open
Ø  Start GSC Exhauster Fan
Ø  Start Both Vacuum pumps ( Casing Empty, Receiver tank Level adeq)
Ø  At -0.2 ksc charge steam gradually ( lower Controller from 50% à 0 %)
Ø  Build Vacuum upto -0.9 ksc
Vacuum Killing : Procedure:
Ø  Stop Vacuum Pumps
Ø  Open Vacuum Breaker at -0.3 ksc Vacuum
Ø  At -0.2 ksc, Close steam supply from Controller(50%), Closing Manual valve at 8.5 m(Both)
Ø  Stop GSC Fans
Ø  Open chimney Vents to Atmosphere
Turbine Fast cooling: Procedure:
Ø  Gag Test valves of ESVs and IVs, CRH, close IPCV Sec Oil Pressure line(8.5 m)
Ø  Open MAL Drains with their Manuals
Ø  HP Casing Temp<= 300 Deg, Turbine on Barring
Ø  Start Vacuum pumps (Maintain vacuum b/w -0.2 to -0.3 ksc)
Ø  Switch Off RTS Supply, Reset Turbine(SD=0%)
Ø  Close EHG sec Oil Supply to CV by Manually isolating at Gov Rack
Ø  Open ESVs at SD=40%
Ø  Open HPCVs at 55% (According to cooling rate : 5-6 Deg/hour)
Ø  Observe TSI: DE, SE, CE
Ø  Stop Fast cooling & Close Barring when HP Casing reaches 110 Deg
Boiler Forced Cooling: Procedure:
Ø  Boiler Tripped, one set of ID/FD Running after Purging, BCWs Running
Ø  Keep Running FD fan till APH FG inlet comes 205 Deg
Ø  After that Trip FD Fan, Keep Running ID Fan in VFD Min position
Ø  At Boiler Water Temp (s/c manifold temp 93 Deg), Trip all BCW Pumps
Ø  Boiler washing to be done after that
Air/Co2/H2 Pressurizing in Generator: Procedure:
Ø  Start AC SOP
Ø  Keep SLC DC SOP Off/ DC SOP Module Off. Keep SLC AC AOP Off
Ø  Start filling Air after measuring Dew point (Preferably <-10deg)
Ø  Fill Air Upto 0/5 ksc
Ø  Then Fill Co2 and vent Air through casing vent. Purity>99% . Vary(0.25-0.75 ksc)
Ø  Purge CO2 with H2 (0.25-0.75 ksc), vent through H2 Casing vent. Purity>98% (at least two continuous ample)
Ø  Pressurize H2 upto 3.5 ksc
Ø  While Pressurising , start H2 seal oil pump at 4.5 ksc AS SOP Pressure. SLC As SOP On/DC SOP Module ON/DC SOP On
Ø  Take Trial o0f DC SOP/other As SOP too
Centrifuge : Operation
Ø  Drain anti-Flood Tank
Ø  Start Separator
Ø  At speed nearly constant , Charge sealing water,
Ø  After 1 minute, Close seal water inlet valve
Ø  Open Suction valve of Centrifuge
Ø  Check flow through rotameter
Reheater Metal Temperature
Ø  Depends on: Total air Flow, Burner tilt, Mill combination, Total coal/PA Flow, Reheater spray etc
Ø  RH Tube Leakge : Causes- Coal Ash Corrosion for Tubing, Uneven Temp distribution across Boiler
Ø  Coal Ash Corrosion: Tube temp Higher than ash-fusion temperature. Liquid slag deposition. Oxidizes the metal at rate many times than normal rate of 0.001”-0.002” /Year
Ø  Uneven Tmperature Distribution: Rupture due to Creep.
Ø  FG Temp Distribution Across Furnace:
Div SH (900)àFinal SH(850)àReheater(750)àLTSH(550)àEco outlet(390)

1 comment:

  1. Important procedures are crucial steps or protocols that ensure tasks are completed efficiently, accurately, and safely in various settings such as healthcare, manufacturing, or business operations. These procedures are designed to standardize processes, minimize errors, and promote consistency in outcomes, enhancing overall productivity and quality. Adhering to important procedures also aids in regulatory compliance and risk management, ensuring organizational success and stakeholder satisfaction.

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