Thursday, May 10, 2018


1)         TG Lub oil pressure very low   (< 1.2 ksc)                            
2)         Axial  shift  high (+/-1.0mm)                
3)         HP  exhaust  temp. high          (> 500 degc)              
4)         Condenser  vaccum  low(VSP)                
5)         Condenser vaccum  low(FSP)  (> -0.7 ksc)  AND Turbine speed > 240 rpm      
6)         HP casing  top/btm DT high  (> 100 degc) AND  Load >100MW        
7)         IP casing front top/ btm DT high  (> 45 degc) AND             Load >100MW      
8)         IP casing rear top/ btm DT high  (> 45 degc)  AND Load >100MW        
9)         MFT                                                    S/W  &  H/W            
10)       Generator  electrical protection           S/W  &  H/W            
11)       Liquid in Generator Main leads top  (> 90 mm)            
12)       Cold gas temp after cooler A&B high  (> 60 degc)            
13)       Cold gas temp after cooler C&D high (> 60 degc)            
14)       Primary water temp after cooler high (> 71 degc)            
15)       Seal oil temp after cooler high   (> 55 degc)            
16)       Hot air main exciter temp high  (> 80 degc)              
17)       Stator winding flow very low (< 48 tph)              
18)       Stator Main bushing  R flow low (< 1.33 tph)            
19)       Stator Main bushing  S flow low (< 1.33 tph)            
20)       Stator Main bushing  T flow low (< 1.33 tph)            
21)       Turbine over speed trip (electrical)     (> 3330 rpm)            
22)       Turbine over speed trip                       H/W              
23)       Oil tank level very low ( 1150 mm from top)            
24)       Turbine trip from desk operated                
25)       Turbine trip from console operated              
26)       Turbine trip from ATRS                  
27)       Emergency trip from HMI                     
28)       Fire protection 1 or 2 operated                
29)       Generator class B protection                
30)       Low Vacuum Trip Device operated              
31)       Manual Trip Device operated                
1.2)      ALARM LIMITS                  
1)         TG Lub oil pressure very low (< 4.5ksc)              
2)         Axial  shift  high (+/-0.5 mm)                
3)         HP  exhaust  temp. high (> 485 degc)              
4)         Condenser vaccum  low (FSP)  (> -0.8 ksc)              
5)         HP casing  top/btm DT high  (> 90 degc)              
6)         IP casing front top/ btm DT high  (> 30 degc)            
7)         IP casing rear top/ btm DT high  (> 30 degc)             
8)         Cold gas temp after cooler A&B high   (> 55 degc)            
9)         Cold gas temp after cooler C&D high   (> 55 degc)            
10)       Stator winding flow very low (< 54 tph)              
11)       Stator Main bushing  R flow low (< 1.4 tph)            
12)       Stator Main bushing  S flow low (< 1.4 tph)            
13)       Stator Main bushing  T flow low (< 1.4 tph)            
14)       Turbine over speed   (> 3300 rpm)              

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