Stopping- Starting of 2nd PAPH |
Each unit is provided with two bi-sector type
regenerative primary air preheaters to recover the |
heat from waste flue gas leaving from the furnace and
utilised to preheat the primary air which inturn |
used to dry the raw coal and transport pulverised coal
powder from mill to the furnace through coal pipes. |
Air pre-heater consists mainly rotor housing, cylindrical
cellular rotor, guide and Support bearings, oil |
systems for guide and support bearings, soot blower
system, Stationary water washing devices & fire |
fighting devices , auxiliary air motor drive with
over-running clutch, oil carryover probe , inspection lights s |
etc. The complete rotor is supported by a thrust bearing
at the bottom and guided by the radial bearing at |
the upper end. An air motor is provided to ensure the
continued operation of the air pre-heater, even if |
power to electric motor is interrupted. It may also be
used to control speed of the rotor during water |
washing of heating surfaces. |
When ever one APH trips in a running Unit the run back
operates & Unit load gets |
reduced to 300 MW( 60 %) . Normally 4-5 Mill operation
permissive is available with one APH out |
of service . |
- |
1. Unit is running at full load (500MW) with 7 mills in
operation. |
2. Both TDBFPs are in service and Feed water control in
auto. |
3. MDBFP # C is available on auto (Rapid start up mode). |
4. Unit control is in CMC mode. |
5. Airflow control is in auto with both FD fans in
service. |
6. Both PA fans in operation in CAS mode with PA header
pressure set at 820mmwc. |
7. Both ID fans in service and furnace draft control in
auto. |
1. Running contact of other running PAPH. |
2. Revise the station DC as per the planned shut down
programme. |
3. Availability of PAPH / SAPH soot blowers for
operation. |
4. Availability of auxiliary drive (air motor) of the
PAPH (which is to be stopped). |
5. All (4nos) economizer bypass dampers are closed. |
6. Availability of atomizing steam and HFO at requisite
pressure & temp (oil: 100ÂșC / 17-18 kg/cm², Steam: |
200 – 210ÂșC / 6.5 kg/cm²). |
7. Completion of WB/LRSB operation before starting the
load reduction. |
8. Best communication between control room and local. |
9. Bypass TDBFP – A / B recirculation valve auto-closing
protection. |
10. Check for the healthiness of the mill outlet
temperature low to feeder tripping protection for all running |
mills, Normally it is set at 50 deg C. |
1. Take the unit control to manual from CMC mode.
(Turbine on limit pressure control and Boiler master on |
manual). |
2. Take fuel master to manual and gradually reduce the
load to 400MW by slowly unloading and removing |
7th running mill. Check airflow according to the load
(1650T/ hr corresponding to 400MW). |
3. Take HFO support in one elevation corresponding to any
running mill according to the mill combination |
(At least 3 oil guns in one elevation). |
4. Gradually reduce the load to 300MW by slowly unloading
and removing 6th running mill. Check airflow |
according to the load (1450T/ hr corresponding to 300MW). |
5. Reduce MS pressure set point according to the load
during the process of load reduction. |
6. Check the loading and suction flow of TDBFP A / B. If
suction flow is low corresponding to the speed, |
Then keep open any one TDBFP- A / B recirculation valve. |
7. Probably keep five consecutive mills in service to
ensure stable combustion. |
8. Observe and slowly reduce the PA header pressure set
to 800mmwc from 850mmwc. |
9. Adjust the burner tilt position to maintain MS &
HRH temperature up to maximum possible (540C). |
10. Gradually close the PAPH (which is to be stopped) air
outlet damper from local & lock it mechanically |
and simultaneously maintain the flue gas outlet
temperature by closing the FG outlet damper of |
corresponding PAPH. Adjust the other running PAPH &
SAPH A/B FG outlet temperature from remote. |
Then isolate the air outlet damper actuator power supply.
This activity needs best communication |
between control room and local. |
11. Check the PA header pressure for any variation while
closing air outlet damper and adjust it, if required. |
12. Slowly close the air inlet damper from local and lock
it mechanically. Isolate the power supply. |
13. Observe the mill outlet temperature and accordingly
adjust mill loading. |
14. Close flue gas inlet damper from local and lock it
mechanically. Isolate the power supply. |
15. Close flue gas outlet damper from remote fully and
lock it mechanically. It can be opened to 10% with the |
help of C& I to create negative draft in side the APH
if it is required by BMD. |
16. Observe the mill outlet temperature and APH flue gas
outlet temperatures accordingly adjust the running |
PAPH & SAPH – A / B flue gas outlet dampers. |
17. Start running PAPH and SAPH – A / B soot blowing.
(This is to be done at least twice in a shift as long as |
oil guns in service). |
18. After stopping the PAPH, Gradually increase the load
to approximately 330MW with 5 mills operation by |
observing PA outlet temperature, mill outlet temperature
and PA header pressure. |
19. Remove oil support after stabilisation of load at
approximately 330MW with 5 mills operation with safe |
mill outlet temperature (Should be >60ÂșC). |
20. Keep PRAPH in service for attending any work outside
the APH like air outlet duct fabric compensator |
repair work. |
21. Stop the PAPH (which is to be stopped) after cooling
(air outlet side manhole can be kept open for |
cooling) to normal temperature so that maintenance can be
done and isolate the power supply of PRAPH |
drive motor. |
22. Close both main and bypass airlines for air motor. |
23. Press the local EPB of the PAPH (which is stopped). |
24. Issue PFW after ensuring proper isolation according
to PFW procedure. |
1. Revise the station DC as per the planned programme. |
2. Ensure the cancellation of PTW and clearance from
maintenance BMD/EMD/C&I, then normalise the |
drive motor power supply. |
3. Check the PAPH for proper boxup (check all manholes
are closed). |
4. Check the PAPH by running air motor for any abnormal
rubbing. |
5. Normalise the drive motor power supply. |
6. Release the local EPB. |
7. Stop PAPH air motor and start main electric motor. |
8. Normalise the air outlet damper power supply. Remove
the lock and slowly open the PAPH air outlet |
damper from local. |
9. Normalise the flue gas inlet damper power supply.
Remove the lock and slowly open the PAPH flue gas |
inlet damper from local. |
10. Slowly Increase the PA header pressure set point to
normal (820mmwc) and wait for stabilisation of the |
header pressure. |
11. Normalise the air inlet damper power supply. Remove
the lock and slowly open the air inlet damper from |
local. Simultaneously open flue gas outlet damper from
remote and maintain the flue gas outlet |
temperature and observe PA header pressure while opening
air inlet damper. |
12. Take 6th mill into service and gradually increase the
load to 450MW. |
13. Adjust the MS pressure set point according to the
variation of load. |
14. Close TDBFP-A / B recirculation valve (which was kept
opened previously) after sufficient loading of both |
15. Take 7th mill into service and increase the load to
full (500MW). |
16. Adjust the FG outlet damper positions of PAPH – A / B
and SAPH – A / B after stabilization of load. |
17. Adjust the burner tilt to maintain M S & HRH
temperature up to maximum possible (540C). |
18. Normalise the TDBFPs recirculation control valve auto
close protection. |
19. Put fuel master in auto. |
20. Transfer the unit control from manual to CMC mode. |
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