Thursday, February 8, 2018

TDBFP Oil Injection Test Procedure

TDBFP Oil Injection Test Procedure
  • Communicate to senior persons such as AGM (O) & AGM (TMD) regarding the test plan.
  • Ensure the presence of TMD person near TDBFP Governing rack at 17 Mtr.
  • Ensure that MDBFP is in auto and its start permissive is available.
  • TDBFP speed should be greater than 5300 rpm and it may be increased through biasing. During biasing care has to be taken that other TDBFP may not get unloaded.

  • First of all Press the Test Valve lever and lock it by rotating hand wheel in clockwise direction. It will isolate the trip fluid (going to over speed bolts through the test valve) from main tripping device and keep in pressed condition till the completion of the test  
  • Open the manual isolating valve of test oil line. Now slowly increase the test oil
    pressure through test oil regulating valve.
  • When test oil pressure increases above 2.5 ksc, increase it slowly further and note
    down the test oil pressure at which Fly bolts operate
    . The downward movement of Its
    lever, confirms the actuation of tripping device.
  • Reduce test oil pressure by closing test oil regulating valve.
  • Close the manual isolating valve of test oil line.
  • Now unlock the test valve by rotating the hand wheel in anti-clockwise direction and
    slowly release it. First start up oil pressure will build up & it will reset the trip device.
    After resetting, release the test valve completely & observe trip oil pressure.

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