Thursday, February 8, 2018

Main Turbine Oil Injection Procedure

Main Turbine Oil Injection Procedure

  • Communicate to senior persons such as AGM(O) & AGM(MM) regarding the test plan.
  • Ensure the presence of TMD person near Governing rack at 17 Mtr.
  • Rotate the knob of Governing rack filter (daily once in Evening shift)  
  • Open the Top cover of pilot valves KA02 and KA03 of MAX62AA001.
  • Press the pilot valve KA02 fully and observe the Aux. start-up fluid pressure is developing or not. lf pressure is ok , slowly release the valve. If the pressure does not build-up, abort the test. Release the valve after checking.Inform to TMD.
  • Press the pilot valve KA03 fully to isolate the Auxiliary trip fluid (going to over speed bolts through over speed trip test device) from main trip valve and keep in pressed down till the completion of the test. Note down the Auxiliary trip fluid pressure
  • Rotate the hand wheel KA01 of over-speed trip test device in clockwise direction for
    the test fluid to the over speed Bolts.  
  • The actuation of over speed bolt is indicated on the test rack by lamps for limitswitches MAY10CG001 and MAY10CG002, provided on the LHS of front bearing
  • Check whether Auxiliary trip fluid pressure goes to zero.
  • Note down the test oil pressure / Turbine sped / Primary oil pressure , when overspeed striker bolts 1 & 2 acted and ensure alarm in UCB / SOE/ Local Governing Rack panel.
  • Confirm physically that both over speed bolts have operated.
  • Rotate the hand wheel KA01 of over-speed test unit in the anticlockwise direction where the test fluid gets cut off to the over speed bolts.
  • Ensure test oil pressure showing zero value.
  • Press the Pilot valve KA02 of over-speed test device to reset over speed bolts 1 and 2.Check whether Auxiliary trip fluid pressure builds up and it is as per the recorded value. Slowly release Pilot valve KA02 of over speed test device. Aux start up fluid Pressure become to zero.
  • Repeat previous step to ensure resetting of over-speed trip device bolts.
  • Confirm physically that both over speed bolts have resetted & also take confirmation from TMD also.
  • Wait for some time & allow auxiliary trip fluid pressure to be steady at around 5 Kg/cm2. Slowly release the knob of pilot valve KA03, of over-speed test device observe rise in AUX TRIP FLUID PRESSURE.
  • Press the pilot valve KA03 fully, of over-speed test device if any drop in Auxiliary trip oil pressure or Load during the releasing of pilot valve KA03.  

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