Saturday, October 28, 2017


TDBFP Isolation & Normalisation

Isolation Procedure
  • TDBFP unloaded and on Barring
Steam side Isolation:
  • Close CRH block valve and isolate Power supply
  • Close Extraction Manual Valve(coming from IPT Extraction) at 8.5 m
  • Close Aux PRDS manual valve at 8.5 m
  • Close Exhaust hood spray manual valve at 8.5 m
  • Isolate Power supply of Warm up of ACV
Vacuum Side Isolation
  • Close TDBFP Exhaust Valve and isolate its Power supply. Ensure from local that exhaust valve is fully closed
  • Start standby Vacuum Pump
  • Close Drains:CRH-135, CRH-153, CRH-141, CRH-129, DR1, DR2
  • Close Gland steam control Valve and its manual valve
  • Close Gland steam leak off valve
  • Open the Extraction steam motorised vent valve before ESV
  • Keep an eye on Vacuum while carrying out isolation
Stop Barring Gear
  • Stop Barring Gear after Turbine Casing Metal Temperature is <85 Deg
After Stopping Barring Gear
  • Isolate Power Supply of Barring Gear
Feed Water Isolation Procedure:
  • Close Discharge & Its IBV and Isolate its Power supply
  • Close SH & RH spray manual isolating valves at 8.5 m
  • Close Recirculation Control Valve & Recirculation Manual Valve
  • Close Booster Pump Suction Valve at 8.5 m
  • Open Feed Water side Vents ( SH, RH spray vents, Booster pump/Main Pump suction strainer, Booster P/p and main P/p Casing )
  • Open Feed Water side Drains (SH, RH spray, suction strainer, Main p/p Discharge line, Recirculation Control valve drain)
  • Check for Complete depressurisation by observing the booster pump suction pressure
  • Close Mechanical sealing line and jacket cooling line valves (if required)
  • Close Ammonia Dosing valve
 Oil Side Isolation
  • TDBDP on standstill condition (Speed Zero)
  • Ensure that EOP is running
  • Keep EOP in manual and Isolate its power supply and lock the module
  • Stop JOP, AOP -A , AOP- B and Isolate Power supplies and Lock the modules
Locking By Chain:

  • Extraction steam Manual Valve
  • Aux PRDS Manual valve at 8.5 m
  • Recirculation Mnaual Valve at D/A floor'
  • Booster p/p suction valve at 8.5 m
  • SH, RH spray manual valve at 8.5 m
Normalisation Procedure
  • Normalise Power Supply of EOP
  • Start EOP, Monitor LO Header Pr and Check for any Oil leakage at 0m. 8.5m, 17m
  • Normalise Power Supply of JOP
  • Normalise Power Supply of AOP-A, AOP-B
  • Normalise Power Supply of Barring Gear
  • Start one AOP, Monior LO Header Pr, Control Oil Pr, Check for any Oil leakge
  • Stop EOP and put in Auto
  • Start JOP, Monitor its Dicharge Pr and Check for any oil leakage
  • Ensure on eVEF in service
  • Ensure Lube oil Cooler is charged from water and oil side
  • Keep lube oil temperature control in Auto
Unlocking of Chain
  • All the locked as Above
Feed Water Side Normalisation
  • Charge Mechanical seal and jacket cooling line for Bp/ MP
  • Close Feed Water drains and Crack Open Vents as Above
  • Open Recircualtion Manual valve at D/A & Open Rcirculation Control valve
  • Crack OPEN Booster Pump Suction valve at 8.5 m( Monitor BP Suction strainer and Temperature)
  • Close Vents after air release and sufficient Wter is coming out.
  • At 1.5 to 2 ksc Booster Pump suction Pressure , Open Barring Gear
  • Put TDBFP on Barrinf, if Required do Hand Barring
  • Open suction valve Full. After putting it on Barring
  • Open SH and RH spray manual valve at 8.5 m
  • Normalise Power Supply of Dicharge Valve & its IBV
Vacuum Side Normalisation
  • Open Gland steam Header Drain atmosphere valve
  • Open Gland seal steam isolation valve and normalise GS supply nual valves and its By-pass Valve power supply
  • Open GS leak-off manual valves and its By-pass Valve power supply
  • Charge Gland Seal steam Tempearature and Pressure
  • Close the drain valve
  • Put gland Seal Steam Pressure Controller in Auto
  • Normalise Power Supply of DR1, DR2, upstream drain of ESV, and Keep it OPEN
  • Keep Standby Vacuum Pump in service
  • Normalise Power Supply of Exhaust steam valve
  • Crack Open Exhaust steam valve and Observe Condenser Vacuum
  • Wait till TDBFP Exhaust Pr approaches to Condenser Vacuum
  • Gradually Open Full Exhaust Steam Valve keeping an eye on condenser Vacuum
Steam Side Normalisation
  • Normalise Power Supply of CRH Block valve and warm up of ACV
  • Open steam drains: Downstream & UPstream of ACV, Upsteam of CRH block valve
  • Open Extraction Manual Valve at 8.5 m( Keep Extraction steam upstream ESV vent valve Open)
  • Open Aux PRDS Manual valve at 8.5 m
  • Open Exhaust hood spray manual valve at 8.5 m
TDBFP Ready for Rolling
  • Open BFP Discharge valve at 60 ksc of Discharge Pressure
  • Record all TSI and other parameters before and after Rolling
  • FW side vent valves are to be tightly closed before attaining full pressure
  • Keep steam vent upstream of ESV OPen while Opening CRH Block valve
  • Open CRH Bock valve before loading the TDBFP
  • Open Ammonia Dosing Valve
  • Ensure following drains closed: Downstream of ACV, Upstream of ESV, Upstream of Aux PRDS, Upstream of CRH BLock valve  

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