Saturday, October 28, 2017

Light-UP Steps

Guidelines & check List for Boiler light-up

CW system: Minimum 3 CW pumps running for stage with CW header Pr ~1.1-1.5 ksc
ACW system:

  • 2 pumps in service.
  • Discharge Header Pr 2.3-3.0 ksc

ECW sytem :

  • SG ECW p/p -one pump with Header pr >7.0 ksc 
  • TGECW p/p-Two pump with hdr pr>6 ksc
  • (ECW SG and TG Tank level control on auto)
  • Cooling Water : charge for ID,FD, PA, Mill, APH, 10m & 55m Door cooling etc
  • Lube oil sytem : ID, FD, PA, Mill, APH normal

Scanner fan:

  • START AC scanner fan
  • Discharge Pr>250 mm WC.
  • Take trial of DC scanner fan too


  • PAPH and SAPH SCAPH inlet and outlet damper OPEN with bypass damper CLOSED

PAPHs : Outlet Dampers of Flue Gas CLOSED

ESP pass 

  • Normal.
  • With Fields Ready to be in charged condition.
  • Keep Rapping motor in Auto

Burner Tilt -Horizontal i.e. 50% or at 0 Deg
IAC & PAC: air header pressure >6ksc

Ash Removal:

  • Bottom / Fly Ash evacuation Ready.
  • Trough seal Charged.
  • Ensure Peep hole and manhole Closed.


  • pressure in pump house 16 ksc.
  • HFO & LDO trip valve CLOSED.
  • HFO, LDO, Atomising steam, Atomising air manual isolating valves are OPEN.
  • Ensure Short Recirculation valve OPEN.
  • All guns AB, CD, EF individual HONV and AS manual valves OPEN.
  • Ensure Tracing steam is Charged. Raise HFO temp>120 deg.


  • All mills Electrically and Mechanically NORMAL ( MDV and Burner isolating gate OPEN ).
  • Ensure BBF-L & BBF-R sprinker NORMAL

RH & SH Header drain :

  • OPEN RH & SH drain and Master SH/RH drain .
  • SH, RH & Drum VENTS OPEN.
  • SH & RH Start-up Vents OPEN
  • Boiler SVs CLOSED.

Low Point Drain: 

  • All isoating valves of Low Point drain Station(LPDT) CLOSED


  • Boiler filled upto NORMAL drum level.
  • ECO Recirculation valve OPEN.
  • At least one BCW or preferably 2 BCW pump in service.
  • MS, CBD, FW sample line NORMAL
  • CBD manual at Drum & after CBD station kept OPEN.
  • SH, RH spray valve CLOSED.
  • HPBP spray: manual valve CLOSED
  • ERV: Ensure Opening of motorised isolating valves of ERVS. Keep them in AUTO

APH Soot Blowing:

  • lined up from APRDS.
  • With Header charged with 30 ksc set point.
  • APH oil carryover probe in kept in position.
Drum Filling Procedure:
  • RUN MDBFP in Recirculation
  • One CEP in Service.
  • Ensure pump cavity filled, if not Fill & Purge Cavity of BCW pump. Flush cavity filling line till conductivity < 5 micro mho/cm, PH>6.5 andsolid content<5 ppm. Ensure PH>8 after chemical dosing in FW line .Bring Drum level to NORMAL.
  • OPEN Low Load FRS CV( 30% line) isolatig valve and close their Bypass valve.


  • START APHs-Inlet & Oulet of SAPH FG damper OPEN.
  • While in PAPH inlet FG damper OPEN and Outlet FG Damper Closed.

Purging & Light-up

  • START one set of ID/FD fans.charge SCAPH from steam side.
  • START other ID/FD fans.
  • charge SCAPH from steam side.
  • Air Flow should be maintained around 30-40% of total air flow(>650 TPH and <800 TPH).
  • Put SADC in AUTO and maintain WB-Furnace DP around 30-50 mmWC.
  • Ensure BSVs(MS-1, MS-2, MS-3, MS-4, Ms-5, MS-6) CLOSED.
  • Ensure OPEN drain before Boiler stop valves.
  • After completion of scavenging OPEN HORV and then OPEN HOTV.
  • Raise Atomising steam temp>200 Deg
  • Ensure short Recirculation gets CLOSED in auto after Opening of HOTV
  • Light up the Boiler. Check for any Oil leakage.

Boiler Lighted Up & HP/LP Bypass charged:

  • START APH soot blowing.
  • SCAPH in service.
  • Drum Metal Temperature DT monitor.
  • Seal Steam Pressure controller in Auto and suplly Temperature> 250 deg.
  • No change in Turbine speed after charging of HP/LP bypass.
  • Check Load Reference to be 50 MW as per logic in auto Rolling through ATRS.Pr Max Load Limter at 60 MW.
  • CBD kept OPEN.
  • Check Hotwell, Deaerator, Drum Levels, HFO and LDO pressures.
  • HP & LP dosing pump as per Chemist advice.
  • Both vacuum pumps in service.Open HPBP spray manual valve when Downstream temperature crossing 300 deg and SH/ RH spray after UNIT synchronisation.
  • Check Seal air Fan STARTS on Auto alongwith PA fan and DP>500 mm WC.
  • ESP fields put in service after 1st Mill taken in service.
  • GRP relay RESET.Written clerance from Chemist for Turbine Rolling.

Turbine Rolled upto 3000 rpm:

  • Barring gear CLOSED at speed > 240 rpm.
  • JOP stops at speed >540rpm.
  • AOP stops at speed >2850 rpm.
  • One TDBFP rolled and in Recirculation.
  • Excitation in Auto.Tracking Device ON and tracking EHC.
  • Load controller active, Raise set point if required. Ensure speed set point is tracking actual speed by 15 rpm after load controller takes over.
  • SLC drain in Auto.HP/LP bpass closed.
  • All the Heaters LPH-2.3, D/A and Extraction valves to TDBFPs are charged. LPH-2 & 3 level control on Auto.
  • Keep CRH drain open for some time. All Turbine side drain vales CLOSED(except Extraction 5 & 6).
  • HP Turbine Top/Bottom DT & IP Turbine Front/Rear top/ Bottom DT< Trip value.
  • Gland seal Pressure Controller on Auto.
  • Check TSE margin> 10K. Check HP Exhaust Temperature.
  • Check HRH Pr.Furnace Pressure controller and PA Pressure controller

After Crossing 60% Load:

  • HP Heaters are CHARGED.
  • Level Controllers on AUTO.
  • EXT 5&6 drains CLOSED.
  • Check Scanners for healthy fireBall flam before withdrawing Oil Support.
  • ESP fiels are charged.
  • APH soot blowing STOP.
  • SCAPH isolated.
  • Mill Rejects cleaning cleaning in progress.
  • CBD silica/ Drum Pressure Restrictions are monitored.
  • Check all level controllers in AUTO like Drum, Hotwell, Deaerator, PW, Lube oil, HPCF, Gas Temp.
  • Both TDBFPs in service and on AUTO.
  • All FCNRVs in extraction lines OPEN.

Guidelines for Unit Shutdown

Boiler Side:

  • Both PA fans tripped.
  • All Mills Tripped. All Feeders tripped.
  • HOTV closed. LOTV closed. All Scanners NO Flame. HFO & LDO Nozzle valve closed.
  • All HAG closed.
  • SH/ RH spray valves Closed.
  • Burner Tilt Horizontal.
  • Drum Level Normal.
  • PAPHs outlet FG Damper Closed.
  • Close BSV if Boiler is not going to be Lighted up immediately.
  • If boiler trips due to either ID or FD fans trips, as soon as Fans are Ready,START one set of ID/ FD fans and PURGE the boiler. If Boiler Force cooling is required for any repair work in Pressure Parts, Continue Running of ID/FD fans with around 1000 TPH air flow alongwith at leastone BCW Pumps in Service. Otherwise ID/FD fans can be stopped after PURGING the boiler.

Turbine/ Generator Side:

  • All Turbine SV and CV Closed.
  • GCB/ Field Breaker OPEN.
  • Turbine speed Coasting Down.
  • CRH NRV and FCNRVs Closed.
  • AOP come in Auto <2850 rpm.
  • HP evacuation valve OPEN & Close as per logic.
  • Condenser Vacuum Normal.
  • All Extraction valves LPH-2,3, HPH-5A, 6A, 5B, 6B Closed.
  • MDBFP running in recirculation to maintain Drum Level.
  • TDBFPs on Barring gear.
  • HPBP in Closed condition.
  • HPBP spray line manual valve closed.
  • HRH Pr should be <12 ksc.
  • Check all MAL drains Open.
  • Check motorised drain in CRH line in Open condition.
  • JOP starts at 510 rpm.
  • Barring gear OPEN at 210 rpm.
  • Note Time taken from 3000 rpm to 510 rpm(JOP cut in), 210 rpm(barring gear Open), 120 rpm(barring with vacuum), 85 rpm(vacuum killed )

Activities After Turbine on Barring:

  • Check Hotwell, Deaerator Level.
  • One CW pump Stop.Switch off all ESP field after Boiler Trip.
  • Before killing vacuum Ensure
  • BSV closed
  • MS, CRH, HRH pressures 0 ksc else use HP/LP bypass to Depressurise.
  • Close seal steam warm-up drain valve.
  • Manual isolation valves at Oil elevations Closed.
  • Open GCB isolator if the unit will shutdown for >2 hours. 

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